
DAREW0L7 [moroccangaming10]
6 years ago | edited 6 years ago


white-hat or black-hat ??
and why??

6 years ago


Grey hat. Why settle for one when you can have all? Learn how to secure breaches and patch software, learn how to manipulate software and write exploits. Ima go with both

Darwin [DIDIx13]
6 years ago


I don’t think that’s the grey hat definition (I might be wrong)

Grey-hat stand for the people who don’t warn before attacking, but help the admin to improve his security if he succeeds.

[quote=@x2600]I like the idea of everyone fitting into particular groups (like white hats, grey hats, and black hats), but I think people shift from one hat to another as time goes on, or as circumstances change.

About responsibility: For me, my biggest apprehension in accepting the newer hacker culture is that we are supporting an age of penetration testers and not an age of new hackers. The rich and deep culture that hackers experience may change so much that it will be unrecognizable. I mentioned to a coworker once that I was interested in computer security, or the lack thereof. He immediately got excited and said: Oh… you mean like Kali Linux. You can guess my expression. The majority of people new to hackerdom don’t know anything beyond a Linux distro, and they are missing out on the depth of the culture. So responsibility is great, but my opinion is that hackerdom is best seen in shades of grey. [/quote]

I would consider myself a grey btw even if it doesn’t really matter now.

6 years ago


gray hat is the best

Darwin [DIDIx13]
6 years ago


@bzuka12345 Did you even read my comment?

You would know why there is no “best”.

6 years ago


of course i read it

6 years ago


strange question. Is like I say “I’m drug dealer”.

6 years ago


Each has its own advantage; white hats often have to find a way to integrate themselves into the hacking community but have trouble doing so because of a catch22. The simplest way to get around this would be to black or grey hat hack a site, showing they have skill, but this could make them seem like a sketchy figure as they already abused their skills, in a way, and may be inclined to do so again. Grey hats are technically lawbreakers, but dont get prosecuted as often nor as severely as black hats because they offer the site tips to close security holes. Black hats have no boundaries and get more money, but could be arrested as a class B felony with a max of 20 years in prison and/or a $15,000 fine per account of hacking meaning anyone whos really good could get thrown in jail for life, not to mention the companies suing them for each and every last penny.

Taking all this into account, I would say a combination of white and grey would be best; you use your skills, if sort of illegally, to help others. This would allow you a bit of room to stretch and test your skills while keeping companies happy with you, not wanting to sue you.

6 years ago


but it’s completely stupid as logic. you’re not a sociologist guy So stop giving your science when you’re just 15 and you understand how the XSS works. in real history of “white hat” and “black hat” it’s just a journalist thing that knows nothing. you do not need to be a member of a group of people when you have the skills. so noobs who want to become “black hat”, go first see how a program works, how a network works and learn to program and not copy / paste

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
6 years ago | edited 6 years ago


Why being so harsh with him when his posts are more constructive than yours?

Free to everyone to think freely about the hats notion. So please, refrain from acting like a 12yo haughty boy.

Oh and did you know that even good programmers do copy/paste ? :p Learn more about stackoverflow ;)

6 years ago


+1 for @Mugiwara27 !

Darwin [DIDIx13]
6 years ago


Agreed with Mugi :)

5 years ago | edited 5 years ago


Gray hat because black will always illegal and white is always legal both are works based on a work or project but a gray hat is independent no need to obey anyone rule and a lot of fun

Darwin [DIDIx13]
5 years ago | edited 5 years ago


@Vishnu_vishal Your definition of a gray hat is exactly the same as the black hat ;)

Hats don’t matter. Check the quote I posted some messages before.

5 years ago


Red hat because im a skiddie that just downloaded kali linux lol hehe 1337 xx hacker

Darwin [DIDIx13]
5 years ago


Red hat is an OS and I don’t think we refer to script kiddie as red hat ( I might be wrong)

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