Please stop behaving like crybabies, all of you...please?

I am writing this concerning the whole karma deal. I don’t know who is responsible for it. Nor do I care. I never even knew how much karma I had on this site until I started reading all this -VE AND +VE KARMA EVERYWHERE stuff :P
Thing is: while the one playing with it all should (and probably will as soon as @flabbyrabbit finds time to look into it) get punished, I advise everyone else to just CALMLY (unlike me, writing in caps) write complaints to moderators and admins on this site (that’s what they’re for).
Yelling is as rude in writing as it is in real life and I would expect civilized, educated people such as those on this site to not lower themselves so much. Please!
@SFisher , @freewind1012 : please just write your complaints to admins. This is because, believe it or not, your complaining on the forums is causing more spam than the one you’re complaining about. Think about it a little ;)
@rekcah.ronoh if you are innocent (i honestly couldn’t care less if you are or not), please ask admins to look into the problem. It’s a far more elegant and honorable way to resolve this problem. You are after all, an “honor hacker”, are you not? :)
I will close and ask deletion for this thread when this whole thing will be over with. Until then, please keep your language civil.
Don’t post answers on the forums!
Search other forums before making new threads called “help” !

Clap, clap.
Well said, I could agree more, what is the point of Karma any way?
Just a bunch of pixels that no one can see unless they click on your profile. We are all here to learn … not waste time in pointless conflicts…

Actually guys, in my post I tried to put it clear that it’s not the -ve/+ve karma that bothers me, it’s the spamming in the forum to get the ability to give it. But now it’s solved it because apparently “it was an alien”. (?)
Nevermind guys! Please let’s just move on to business as usual and ignore this shit.
Sorry if that sounded stupid.
All your karamas are belong to us.
I think I’ve said this before? Not sure where, but, somewhere? But, cough….. ummm, yeah………… people can be pussies. I mean honestly. I could give two shits whether I get positive or negative karma. Yeah, it’s nice and everything to see people agree with me at times if I so happen to glance into that direction, but in all reality it’s nothing more than the equivalent of a like or dislike button. If somebody likes your post, sweet– they think you’re an interesting person. If you get negative karma then you’re probably spamming or saying completely irrelevant, annoying shit that doesn’t need to be said. Use your imagination to what that could be….
Anyway…. yeah, pretty short post from me. Is the whole forum being filled with junk about -ve/+ve karma? Kind of just been in and out to check my messages. Idk, the admins will take care of it.

The karma system never bothers me because I can fairly give it to all of you.
[] Useful post? +1 from me as a compliment “Hey! This idea is good! Please do it more!!!”
[] Spam or spoiler? -1 from me as a comment “This stuff is bad. Please avoid doing it again!”
The problem comes from this: Someone blindly posted random stuff, or worse, intentionally spammed the forum to get the Karma / Forum medals. It was a terrible day when I went to HackThis!! forum and saw that the latest 2 pages had been covered with @dfalcon’s posts. Then, some weird users appeared with the exact same process / behavior: He/She posted 10 posts to gain the ability to give +ve karma (Karma), generously rewarded someone (Rewarder) and disappeared.
Seriously, if the karma is truly important to you, please try to earn it with your useful posts / valuable ideas. To be honest, I always treasure my karma because I have spent a lot of time to get them.
Right on @freewind1012 . You should earn your achievements not just cheat to get them. The -ve/+ve karma feature is fantastic but just annoying when people abuse it. My first post should be only if the feature is applied fairly I guess. I give +ve karma if someone has a valid point, informative post, or basically anything that is deserving of praise. If someone is saying something completely bs, abusing the sites policy, spamming, talking out their ass, plagiarizing, etc. then I give -ve karma. So I guess I can’t say that I don’t care about it, I just don’t really care if I receive it or not. I do stick up for people who get negative karma from abusive user, but if someone’s getting positive karma from users I don’t see why people are blowing up about it so immaturely. I also don’t see why people have to abuse this privilege either?! If you want to receive the feature, instead of just giving +ve karma to everyone mindlessly, try looking for posts you actually agree with and like. There you go! Boom, you’re being fair to the users and the site.
Hmmmmmm… Idea for a site feature? KarmaLog
What if just like in Facebook, if a user gives positive karma then onmouseover you see a mini list of users, along with hyperlinks to their profile, who gave karma. If the amount of users exceeds a certain number then a link reading “Show More” shows the rest of the users and a “Show Less” link right beside it.
Could be useful? No?

@MaxLockhart the idea behind the karma was that it should be anonymous, i think. Regardless, admins can see who gave karma to who and when, just for situations like this one (abuse). I remember at some point in time someone constantly gave me -Ve karma, i always thought it was pinkponyprincess, but I wasn’t sure (it probably wasn’t). I just asked flabby to look into the matter and it never happened again…
And about the “spamming” thing, same thing…tell some authority on this forum to do something about the spam, instead of opening other threads complaining about spam (which is actually spamming itself).
Don’t post answers on the forums!
Search other forums before making new threads called “help” !

TouchFireshard. When I opened the thread I thought it would be more like “ok guys, busted, I won’t spam”. Then all friends. That’s why I closed it quickly though. Very valid points you guys are portraying. Maybe a limit of positives per day you can give? Makes sense? I don’t know…
Sorry if that sounded stupid.
All your karamas are belong to us.

@thepetitredfox People will perceive double-posting as spam, since you could always edit the first post and not do 2 posts for that. Try editing your first post when you have something to add. (I sometimes edit my posts 4-5 times before i’m satisfied with what’s been written).
Don’t post answers on the forums!
Search other forums before making new threads called “help” !

@rekcah.ronoh: Just stay here and make this site better. The biggest spammer ever on HackThis!!? Pfffttt, have you ever met @cpn1000? You can read about him here.

Yeah no need to leave the site.
If it was you the spammer, then don’t do it again.
If the spammers were autonomous, then (saying it to them) don’t do it again.
Simple. No apologies, no explanations, no account removals needed.
Sorry if that sounded stupid.
All your karamas are belong to us.
If you make people think they’re thinking, they’ll love you. but if you really make them think, they’ll hate you.
~ Harlan Ellison
that’s great then @djsimon21 !
JAYSSJ11- “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.”