Change Your Mac Address-- NO software needed
Mac Filtering is being a great problem for wifi users with secret access.
Used my nieghbour’s wifi Secretly but they just knew about an unknown computer to your
router and blocked my PC’s MAC address.and POOf!!It says Windows cannot connect to the
and I just figured out Why not CHANGE MY MAC ADDRESS??
Got these steps while i was googling..
Firstly MAC address changing can be done in different ways..
- In cmd (Command Prompt) if you type “ipconfig /all”
2. You can see your MAC address written as Physical address. but you might be confused with
all the different physical address!
adapter) has different MAC address.and that of your LAN adapter).}SAME AS BELOW.
- check your current MAC address and remind it as you are gonna see it for last.
Now open Registry editor
click WINDOWS + R and type “REGEDIT”
Here in Registry Editor that may seem like this.
Here the work begins!
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-
now you will find losts of folder like 0001,0002,0003 etc.
find your wifi adapter among them by comparing the file “DriverDesc”
like mine WIFI card is in folder 0011
Now RIght click on the folder Which you have your Correct adapter and click “New” >>
“string value” .
Rename it to “NetworkAddress” (without space)
and ENter YOur new MAC address in “Value data” field.
after doing that restart your pc and done!!
This is the whole tutorial… And bydway i apologize for the images and their highlighting
being rough…
HAve a NICe Day!
[url=][i]Don’t Make a Hacker go wild, U may not even know what he has done.[i]
10 years ago
Here is another way to change the MAC Address.
Open run command (windows button + R)
Type ncpa.cpl and press enter.
Right click the Ethernet / Local Area Network adapter for which you want to change the MAC and then click on properties and then Click on configure
Click on Advanced > Click on Network Address and then click on the radio button beside the empty box and then enter the MAC address without any spaces, colons or hyphens
Click on OK to save changes
That’s it MAC address changed.
Thanks Paulau!
And tlotr as well Nice Steps but…
Some windows doesnt allow that… Like in mine…
Any way That may help others. THanks
[url=][i]Don’t Make a Hacker go wild, U may not even know what he has done.[i]
10 years ago
Yeah @spidy96
Which windows doesn’t allow that.
Only if you are on a DOMAIN with restrictions then only I think you won’t be able to change your MAC other than that you should be able to do it if you are on a WORKGROUP.
BTW which Windows Version are you using?
[url=][i]Don’t Make a Hacker go wild, U may not even know what he has done.[i]
Good post man. Have my +ve karma! Now for Linux users:
Take the interface you’re using down
ifconfig -a will display all interface information if you’re not sure what you’re using
ifconfig [interface] down will take your interface down
For example: ifconfig wlan0 down
Then change your address
ifconfig [interface] hw ether [new mac address]
Example: ifconfig wlan0 ether 00:11:22:33:44:55
Now that it’s changed, put your interface back up
ifconfig wlan0 up