DNS spoofing doesn't work

6 years ago


Okay, so I followed the steps from a couple of tutorials to attempt dns spoofing. I’m using Kali on VMware and tried dns spoofing on my host computer(Ubuntu 18).
Problem is, it just doesn’t work.
I’ve tried different ip addresses for redirection but it always goes to the website instead of redirecting it.
I read somewhere that dns spoofing doesn’t work on https websites.
Then where do you even get to use it?

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
6 years ago


Everything works fine for me, have you tried with two different device ? Because the problem is probably from the VM, network problems using VMs is not a new thing

If you want to understand why it doesn’t work for most https websites, check this link ;

And as for how to use DNS spoof so it can be efficient in a way you want to pwn someone, good luck understanding by yourself ;) ( CoC & ToU )

But nowadays, you need to use multiple types of attack to pwn a single thing

(ps: have you read my dns spoofing tutorial ? Maybe mine will work for you ; https://www.hackthis.co.uk/articles/dns-spoofing )

6 years ago


Well, so yeah i tried it with two different devices. I still got no results.
I tried to spoof for facebook and redirect it to another website’s dns but it simply goes to the actual site.

And yes, I was following your guide all along haha.

There were also a couple of errors ettercap was giving when i started the sniff.
/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/use_tempaddr is not set to 0.
/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/wlp2s0/use_tempaddr is not set to 0

So I changed both from 2 to 0 but still got nothing.

6 years ago


Actually, one thing i do wanna know. The ip that we put in etter.dns, does it matter what it is? I tried using one of amazon’s ip’s for it but it didn’t work.

6 years ago


Try debugging the situation. Have you looked at the network traffic? Is there a DNS request made? Are there any replies?

A common trap is that a program/system has a local cache. For example, your browser might not make a DNS request for every HTTP request. It will typically do it once and reuse the result on consecutive HTTP requests.

Also, DNS spoofing does work with HTTPS. Or better, HTTPS is something separate of DNS. DNS doesn’t work with HTTPS in a similar way as putting your own house number on a neighbour’s house doesn’t allow you to enter the neighbour’s house with your own key. ;)

Darwin [DIDIx13]
6 years ago


^ Great comment +1

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