I do not pretend to do 9 !!!!!

Intro 9

6 years ago


I can not do 9 I do not understand I have the impression it has to laugh with others …

Do not give me the answer especially but give me tracks

6 years ago


sorry for the translation that comes from google translation …

Smyler [WHGhost]
6 years ago


Look at the source code and try to find something relevant to the hint there. PM me if you need bigger hints.

6 years ago


I managed to find that … but otherwise it’s not …

6 years ago


I find thank you for your help since the beginning is before me …

Darwin [DIDIx13]
6 years ago


Congrats you solved it! Keep going :)

6 years ago


thank you DIDI13 you think it would take me how long to finish the site?

Smyler [WHGhost]
6 years ago


[quote=karamise]you think it would take me how long to finish the site? [/quote]
It took 3 month to some, but others are still working on it after 3 years or more. It depends for everyone, but don’t expect finishing the site quickly if you have no experience, the last levels are way harder. But good luck if that’s your goal.
Ho, and I was assuming you were speaking about the levels, but if you also include the medals I think no one had all of them so far. Have a look at the profiles on the leader board.

6 years ago


I already have bass in HTML 5 and CSS 3 and some PHP

Medal? ha no I have not seen and I believe that the only one who has 100% is Mugiwara

6 years ago


The medal is not a bit like the wargamme?

Smyler [WHGhost]
6 years ago | edited 6 years ago


You can have more information about the medals here
Despite having 100% (congrats to him by the way, I hadn’t noticed it) @Mugiwara27 is missing the Helper medal. I don’t know if that’s a rounding error or just that it is not counted in the percentage.
Having programming experience is good, but I was more speaking of experience in playing such challenges.
Anyway, the point is that it could take you a very long time before finishing the site, if you do it one day.

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
6 years ago


As you said @WHGhost, this is a matter of rounding, the website probably does a int(percent)+1

So to be more precise, without the helper medal, I’m 99.44279346211% done :p

Darwin [DIDIx13]
6 years ago


@karamise I’ve been 4years now for me :) even tho I’m not working on it anymore.

Even if I go full powa I won’t be able to solve Crypt 7 and Crypt 9

Real 6 I found the exploit but never finished it since the chall was down when I tried and I spend days without knowing it’s can’t be completed since I had no response from the server (which piss me off) and Real 7 is all about PHP where I’m pretty ‘OK’ now since I’m playing CTFs :)

Don’t worry Main levels + Basic + Intermediate + Javascript took me a week only :)

The forensic about a week itself too

Don’t talk about Real 4 / 5, SQLi 2 and Coding one month for each one without hints.

So don’t talk too fast :p basic knowledge about HTML5, CSS3 and PHP are useful for certain circumstances only! (It’s very important to have them and improve them don’t get me wrong but you have a lot more to learn and enjoy! )

Side note:
This website offers web challenges but that’s only one part. You can do pwn, forensic, binary exploit, Reverse engineering, Crypto a lot more different then Crypt levels here, Malware analysis, stego, Networking and more each of them is complex and fascinating.

Enjoy PM me if you have any questions. :)

Smyler [WHGhost]
6 years ago | edited 6 years ago


I wouldn’t say HackThis!! has no stego level. They are just hidden within the crypto one.

@DIDIx13 You should keep going! If you are really ‘OK’ with PHP, then Real 7 should take you under five minutes. Otherwise you would learn a very interesting trick. Crypt 7 and 9 are not impossible, you can surely do it!
The Captcha levels are also very fun, and easier than they seem.
Anyway, good luck to anyone trying to complete everything, never give up!

6 years ago


It’s absolutely possible to complete all challenges available here, as I did it.
Captcha levels are really interesting, and I never saw any somewhere else. I agree that the last crypt levels are difficult but they’re still doable, with time and a bit of knowledge. IMO HackThis!! is one of the best challenge site, even though there’s not any new level for a long time now.
As @WHGhost said, good luck to all challengers who try to complete all available levels, and never give up!

Darwin [DIDIx13]
6 years ago | edited 6 years ago


RingZer0 has some Captcha levels too if you want ;)

Thanks for the message I promise I will work on them in 2019 and clear this website!

6 years ago


thank you for your advice it really motivates me

Is it possible to install kali linux without USB key with windows 10?

otherwise, I have a medal “Karma” but I do not know why I have

Smyler [WHGhost]
6 years ago


You will need a dvd, or can use it in a Virtual Machine (Kali is available to download as a Virtualbox or VMWare VM image).
If you have a dvd drive, just do it the same than with the usb, but use the dvd instead. If you want to try the VM approach, download Virtualbox (https://www.virtualbox.org/), install it, and download Kali’s OVA image (https://www.offensive-security.com/kali-linux-vm-vmware-virtualbox-image-download/). Then import the OVA file into virtualbox. You may want to read a bit about VMs and Virtualbox first.

The Karma medal allows you to give karma to people when you ‘like’ their post. That’s what the little arrow with a number at the top right corner of a post is for. Karmas are a bit like someone’s reputation. First, you will be only able to give positive Karma, but if you are really active on the site, you will also be able to give negative karma. A post with -3 karma or less is hidden. You can view someone’s karma count on his profile.

6 years ago


I love no message fortan I have the medal I do not understand ..

Smyler [WHGhost]
6 years ago


Sorry but what I don’t understand right now is your post…

6 years ago


AH thank you I understood

In truth I want to download “kali linux” to hack my old instagram account …

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
6 years ago


Here we go again

Darwin [DIDIx13]
6 years ago


Naive people will learn the hard way

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