is this a real question?
how stupid do you think i am?
if you already did this, do it one more time and them come back here to talk about ctrl c ctrl v again.
thanks for the insult, freewind1012.
First of all, brenoman, freewind1012 is not trying to insult you. In fact, freewind1012 is trying to help you.
And secondly, did you type/paste the password correctly. Who knows? Maybe the password is case-sensitive.
freewind, of course morse code isn’t case sensitive, you know its history, right?
also, i already tried combinations of the pass. cant get through.
[deleted user] 10 years ago
@brenoman: It worked for me with no issues. Just type the password in the password filed and then submit it and see what happens.
Yes, some of the passwords in crypt are getting a little bit confused in decode it. Like capitals and not capitals. Will get maybe a problem in some others of the crypt ones.
People in the whole word! used codes, crypting and stuff. but befor text they used other ways!! and they used it later too but just to send codes trough radio etc. let that be a big hint! and may god bless you!
@Chaozz4life You might want to read some books about the history of cryptography… And btw you refer as the pre-history period where there wasn’t text, how do you cipher something that isn’t written ? I’ve tried to speak in AES-256 once, that was pretty tough.