TRH Hacking Class

I just notice some people on here may benefit from my hacking “class”. I pretty much make how to hacking videos every now and then, and try to help others out. As of 6/7/14 I have 6 classes up and you can see them at the following link.
Anyways, I hope this helps anyone coming in the game and any upcoming pen testers.
(I just added some side content)

10 years ago
@crua9 : Thanks for sharing the link.

lol That made my day.
The sad thing is once you know how most security systems are weak, it’s almost too easy to do something stupid. I’m in college, and I have a piece of crap teacher. I got so mad at her, I’ve came stupid close to hacking my teachers account to get her fired. (The only thing that stopped me is I realized I’m most likely switching colleges next semester)
@crua9 I guess you’re talking about my signature haha
Yeah that is true, security systems are weak indeed, that’s why it is very important to think twice when you are about to hack something that may get you in trouble.

I really thank you for posting this link. Those videos have helped me with many things, but I was wondering if you know any methods to hack a school computer. We have laptops at our school, but we can’t download anything because we need an administrator username and password. Is there anyway to get past that?