BackTrack5 tools
So, I’ve read about the BackTrack distro and I’ve been dying to play with it a little. However, I do not have enough space on my PC to use it as a standalone, since I already use Windows8 (I somehow like it better than the other Windows versions) and ZorinOS (Ubuntu-based).
Is there any way I could get the toolkit from BackTrack on my already installed distro?
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boot BT from USB
you can use this tool unetbootin for make usb bootable
Theres no place like
you also can boot from cd or usb like @noob13 said .
when the time has come , I shall rise and conquer the world
I know that, it’s just that I was wondering if I could get the tools to my distro, so I don’t need to keep the CD/USB-drive around all the time :)
I mean, just install that package via the “apt-get install” command or something similar. Is this possible?
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when the time has come , I shall rise and conquer the world
It is possible. Some tools can’t be found from the default repositories, so you have to do their installations by hand…
- daMage
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Nevermind…I managed to destroy my linux while trying to make things work…so I’m gonna install BackTrack5 when I have the time fresh on, and that’s that :)
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- daMage
I had no need for backups…my Linux distro is for experiments only. It has no critical data of any sort.
But yes, I do store important data on Dropbox, Sugarsync and external HDD (yes, I am that much of a paranoid).
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