
Hi, and welcome here :)
I suggest you start to learn some useful programing language, like Python. Then try to learn the TCP/IP mechanisms, and things like the OSI model, that could give you some strong basis about networking. Then try to program your own scripts/tools, i.e. solving some challenges levels. That’s a very good way to learn efficiently about hacking.
You’ll absolutely need to use some Linux distro, like Kali or Parrot OS (or a classic one like Debian/Ubuntu, otherwise you can try Slackware if you don’t scare easy :)). Besides you can learn how to use some virtual machines environments, like VirtualBox or VMware.
Some funny hacker tools you could give a try : MetaSploit / Armitage, PingCastle, Shodan, Burp, Phisherman, Ettercap, AirCrack-NG, Nikto / Sparta, John-The-Ripper…
Some tools you’ll absolutely need to use : Nmap, Wireshark, IDA32, Firefox and all its hacker modules (HackBar, HTTP_Headers, NoScript, GreaseMonkey, etc.)
It’s almost impossible to list all of the tools you could use for hacking purposes here.
If you want more info about FF additional extensions, I posted an article about it here on HackThis!!, you should read it.
Obviously you’ll also need to work through Windows & Linux console commands (shell), it’s important. You could also try to learn how to setup a web server (i.e. apache) and how to code some little php scripts, that’s another useful exercise. I hope that helps.
EDIT: your english doesn’t seem to be SO bad. However the first thing you should try to learn is english, obviously, but I’m sure you already got it, didn’t you?

Dimooz bro i pass all my days on youtube looking for tutorials but it’s not the same when you have a mentor. I try. Each day i am connected on youtube watching for programs about hacking but it’s not easy. i have downloaded some apk like vpn kali linux and other but i can not hack wifi with cmd. i bougth alfa wifi key but nothing. same with kali. my computer start rowing. there is some setting i don’t know how to do. with kali i can not hack wifi to because some settings are not good. Smalls blockages on the left and on the right prevents me from moving forward. but i’m determined and go to the end. thanks for advices. XD