View/Edit source code on iPad?

6 years ago


I have a laptop, but its old and somehow had its base code deletedworking on fixing thatbut I usually keep my iPad on my person. Is there an iOS app youd recommend for viewing/editing base code, preferably free/cheap?? Not looking for a permanent, best-I-can-do thing, just a temporary fix and mobile work base. Any suggestions?

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
6 years ago


What do you mean by “base code” ?

6 years ago | edited 6 years ago


The code that runs the computer, down to the binary from what we can tell, but thats not the important part.

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Mugi [Mugiwara27]
6 years ago


Reset your PC, install an *nix-based OS on your computer, and you should be able to right click–>insepct element :)

Because if you’re not on your computer, you’re going to have a looot of trouble to do special things

6 years ago


Would, but it seems like it isnt able to process input. Connected it to another computer, ran a program displaying any sort of input the computer took in, how it processed it, and the output. If we pressed keys it would display it, but it never processed anything we did. Doing some research on it.

Either way, were moving from the main topic: do you know any good apps?

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
6 years ago


Nope sorry can’t help you with that task :p

But if you want to repair your computer, feel free to PM me :)

6 years ago


Oh well. Changed my mind about the laptop, just gonna get a new one. Thanks anyways!

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
6 years ago


Hope we’ll see you completing level with that new computer ;)

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