Precisions regarding the "admins"


Darks [Dark-Storm]
6 years ago



I checked the contact form and found some interesting vulnerabilies. But I would like to know if there are “real admins” that read the messages on the site. Is it worth to wait for the fish/admin after putting my bait in the website? :p

Also, I don’t know if I’m overthinking, so I can share my payload by MP to be sure I did not go into the wrong direction.

Nice level anayway :)

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
6 years ago


Yup after doing work, you just need to wait a little and if you got some result then you’re probably doing the right thing :)

6 years ago


I hope you’ll share your payload once you complete it!

Darks [Dark-Storm]
6 years ago


“Yup after doing work, you just need to wait a little” ? can you quantify this little? One hour, one day, one week?

I did not get any ping from this level, so as long as “if the admins notice anything suspicious they are more likely to act”, I don’t know if it is because nobody seen my payload or it was to obvious.

Dimooz: sent you in PM, maybe you can give me some hint if I overthink. I’m relying on you t be quiet if not. ^^

6 years ago


Is it groundhog day?

It should take only a couple of minutes. That said, the level says it is offline and indeed I’m not getting a response either.

Darks [Dark-Storm]
6 years ago


I tried to add some things, I’ll see if it’s worth.
Can you tell us if the level is actually broken? :)

6 years ago


I can’t, but:

That said, the level says it is offline and indeed I’m not getting a response either.
That should be enough to consider it broken.

Probably only @flabbyrabbit can tell if it really is.

Darks [Dark-Storm]
5 years ago


Hey! :)

The level is still offline, is it possible to get the things back? ;)

5 years ago


It could be great to work on it. :)
I hope that it will be fixed soon.

5 years ago


Me too. This is the last I still need to tackle in real..

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