Need help about hacking a game, tracking Ip and Discord

6 years ago



I wanted to ask help to hack an account on a game; Long story short this person has been harassing my little sister who’s playing this game called Feral-Heart (it’s a game about wolves and lions) and I know for a fact they are having multiple accounts.

The mods can’t do anything because she didn’t take screenshots, she just shut the game and that’s it.

I want to know how I can hack into this guy’s account ingame and through the site and also track their IP and link it to the rest of their game accounts. I’m really not common with this since I’ve given up on trying to find how to hack something because of my real life schedule.

Now about discord

so my girlfriend has been acting up and nowadays we only socialize through discord. I am suspecting she’s cheating on me with someone else and I want to check her messages. I don’t know her password or which e-mail she used for it and I want to check on it. Can you help?

If you could help me with these I’d be very happy. Thank you so much I’m thankful.

See ya.

6 years ago | edited 6 years ago


I guess you missed this part:

This site does not encourage or condone any illegal activity, or attempts to hack into any network where they do not have authority to do so.

Also, your suspicions do not justify violating your girlfriend’s privacy.

6 years ago


My girlfriend said to +1 @dloser

6 years ago


the best way to lie

6 years ago


Maybe I didn’t phrase that right and I apologize

@dloser I am not going to do anything with their IP but I know in the game they ban your IP and any account sharing the same address and I want to know which accounts are his (you can apparently multi-task/account on that game so I will know if its one person harassing her or not).

Of course I’m not planning on doing anything illegal but if this is considered as much then I understand, I’m sorry.

About the girlfriend part, yes I wasn’t planning on asking that but the only reason I want to know is because she’s texted me randomly while I was at work asking me to ‘meet at our usual place <3 “ when she knew I was working at the time and when I asked her she didn’t really give me a solid answer in time, in short she took her time thinking of a comeback.

@bzuka12345 not quite sure what that means but ok lmao

Reply has been removed
6 years ago


Oh boi lmao

Darwin [DIDIx13]
6 years ago
6 years ago


[quote=tehron]My girlfriend said to +1 @dloser[/quote]
Sock puppets don’t count, I’ve been told.

[quote=SharkyVox]I am not going to do anything with their IP but I know in the game they ban your IP and any account sharing the same address and I want to know which accounts are his (you can apparently multi-task/account on that game so I will know if its one person harassing her or not).

Of course I’m not planning on doing anything illegal but if this is considered as much then I understand, I’m sorry.[/quote]
I’m not familiar with the game, but unless the IP addresses are publicly available, obtaining that information most likely will be illegal, yes.

How about this: you suggest that they will ban accounts if they find multiple connected to the same IP address. If you let them know about one of the accounts, they should be able to easily check if this is the case. (Assuming they store this information, of course.) If they tell you that they banned some accounts, you’ll know you were right. If they don’t, perhaps you weren’t.

Not sure how any of it will help you, though. They can probably just make new accounts and/or use proxies.

[quote=SharkyVox]About the girlfriend part, yes I wasn’t planning on asking that but the only reason I want to know is because she’s texted me randomly while I was at work asking me to ‘meet at our usual place <3" when she knew I was working at the time and when I asked her she didn’t really give me a solid answer in time, in short she took her time thinking of a comeback.[/quote]
Doesn’t make it any more justifiable or legal.

>>> import random  
>>> random.choice([**'have a serious talk', 'just dump her'])  
'just dump her'  
6 years ago


What sock puppet!? @tehron raises fist without sock

Darwin [DIDIx13]
6 years ago


@dloser is SAVAGE

6 years ago


@DIDIx13 that’s good, thankfully I didn’t need your help after all ^^

@dloser I am not quite common with the game mechanics either either, I assume it’s like any other game?

I tried asking the mods if they could check if the OG account’s IP just in case but before they act they needed proof about the online harassment which I didn’t have (yet) and I can’t quite blame them.

Thankfully enough we managed to get screenshots the last time he begun harassing and reported him. If there’s going to be another attack then we’ll definitely know it’s not him.

Yeah I understand what you mean lol I’m not quite proud of this thinking but I wanted answers and it’s not that simple lol but I’ve got my answers regardless. Thank you for your time.

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