10 years ago


Facebook users beware: The company has officially declared that it will be tracking your online consumption and behaviour across the internet.
Here’s what you need to know -


10 years ago


I delete my Facebook account a few weeks ago! Definitely worth it now.

10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


I’m ambivalent towards this. I mean the [s]reason[/s] pretext they have for doing this is really nice. I’d like them seeing i look up hacking and provide me easier access to such information, but then again…i hate the idea of being “watched” every step i take online.

It’s really double-edged, and whether you agree to their deeds or not is just a matter of which edge you’re looking at. I personally have nothing to hide in my online activities…so would benefit from this, maybe…but i’m not liking the idea of being “watched”.

I depend on facebook for socializing with people i know, too much (all other sorts of IM have been deserted by my friends), so i can’t really leave facebook.

10 years ago


“Nothing to hide” as in “I didn’t realise they could get that much information out of it” or “I didn’t expect that person/company/institution to have access to it as well”? ;)

10 years ago


No, “nothing to hide” as in “nothing i have there should mean anything to anyone that isn’t already public.” Facebook already offers all the important information i have online (real name, sex, approximate address -thanks to tags- , a picture of me, circles of people i belong to, general likes).

The fact that i visit electronics shop sites could be derived from me liking “Electronics” on facebook, or being interested in hacking from liking the HT page. There’s nothing i do on the internet that couldn’t be guessed from what facebook already had on me. And I am aware anyone smart enough can come forward with a pretty impressive profile of mine in about 2 hours of smart searching facebook and google. But there’s nothing extra they’ll get by seeing me visit this site or that site ;)

So, as I said…i’ve got nothing to hide. And even if you delete your Facebook, other people will tag you when you’re with them, and if anyone wants info on you, they’ll be there.

10 years ago


I uploaded this to the ticker a few hours ago (still pending) from a different source, it’s an interesting thing.
When this issue showed up a long time ago, I didn’t have Facebook, but since for some business/projects I do have to use it, it’s always nice to put my old, shitty laptop in use. You know: no harddrive (no microphone or webcam), running on a live (no persistence) crappy USB minimal distro on a different network each time. Track that, assholes.

Personally what I hate most about these services like Facebook, Twitter, etc. is that there is no opt out. They force you into everything.
Even for the things that have “a switch”, like Facebook’s facial recognition program, you’re just choosing not to use it, but they’re collecting it anyway (tip: tag yourself in many random pics you upload with faces of people who are not you in them, repeat some of them, and set it all so only you see it). If all this served a purpose other than making money I’d have a better opinion on it, but honestly, this makes it feel like we’re coin miners.

Also if I get this right, this means Facebook will have a profile on you even if you don’t have a Facebook account, right? Why not associate all the mined data to an IP or MAC (instead of the Facebook ID) and send it right away?
I have nothing to hide too but I don’t go out in the street naked, nor do I let random people in my shower if they only came to watch.
And by the way I always thought that’s not accurate. Everyone has something to hide…

10 years ago


@Fireshard I’ll note that down as “I didn’t realise they could get that much information out of it”. :P

Not that I was very serious, but they also get information on your behaviour and can guess things about you based on how you compare to others. Not to mention that they track you with all those ‘like’ buttons all over the web. My point being that you probably share more than you realise.

10 years ago


I agree with @dloser . Also if they don’t sell it now (which I doubt), have you ever wondered what happens with all that info when Facebook disappears? (And it will, eventually)
As for profiling a person/behaviour based on their online footprint: scary as hell the things that can be done. And since today the mass of Internet users is huge, this has allowed for automated prediction systems, if I remember well IARPA has a few projects on this.

rushA [xzy123prog]
10 years ago


You can opt-out
Disable add block whilst your doing this.
Just go on the Digital Advertising Alliance website
Click the button which says “Companies Customizing Ads for Your Browser”, this will show you all the companies who you are sharing your data with.
Choose the websites you want to opt-out of your internet activities.
Then press the submit button.

Personally I dislike facebook and its policies but unfortunately it is one of the easiest ways to comunicate with people nowadays.

10 years ago


i also have nothing to hide , but they will know how and others around me behave , they can sell it to companies .and can also do lots of other shits .

and zoino this link : http://iwantmoar.com/flash/1745.swf is awesome (liked it)

10 years ago


Hi @xzy123prog I know, I read that in the article I submitted to the ticker (not published yet).
However and as you can read below the instructions you posted which can be read in the article, that only works until you clear your cookies. From the article:
[quote=Da guy in da article]You’ll need to opt out for every browser, and you’ll have to opt out again every time you clear your cookies.[/quote]
I don’t work with cookies which means it that doesn’t work for me. And I guess anyone who doesn’t like this new “feature” doesn’t like cookies either. :)

However when I said “you can’t opt out”, I meant for users, as in “if you want to use Facebook, you can’t opt out of these things (and still use the service)”. You take it or not. And now, with this thing, you take it or you take it. Or you use a temporary browser/operating system.

10 years ago


Lol, thanks jayssj11

rushA [xzy123prog]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Hi @SFisher, in the article where I found out how to opt out it didn’t mention anything about cookies. Thank you for sharing that article as it explains the matter with a fair amount of detail.
From now on I will probably consider using a browser specifically for Facebook, I guess I’ve finally found a use for IE.
In addition I don’t believe Facebook when they say they are not going to track you after you logged out, they say that for convenience, of course they aren’t going to admit they’re spying on everyone constantly.

10 years ago


i don’t even use facebook . boring

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YuMan [Flosh]
10 years ago


I delete all these bullshit long for me

rushA [xzy123prog]
10 years ago


I am french as well, I think there are quite a few french people on this site. Just a tip, open a new thread if you want a new topic of discussion, helps keep things organized.

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10 years ago


What do you mean, Memoria?

10 years ago


My guess is the REST API one. But it’s not like it’s still open. So… not sure why we would have to discuss it. Not the first or the last time big holes have been found. I think the topic is more about the intentional shit they do.

[deleted user]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


I left Facebook long ago and moved to Twitter, screw it. Pardon my language, but I really dislike Facebook. Anyway, moving on?

10 years ago


Instead of remove facebook account, check articles about disable third-party cookies

10 years ago


well i don’t use facebook very often but still it’s good to know, as xzy123prog said : ‘i’ve finaly found a use for IE".
and thanks : 613038475
ps : lol :D

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10 years ago


Online surveillence really is getting bad now isnt it, we are trapped its horrendous! and the guy (Ive forgot his name) who created encryption saw it coming in the 80’s

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