hacking the website of my history teacher

10 years ago


today i’ve a challenge for you, my history teacher got a website where there’s all the test soluce
please help me to find the password :D

the site: http://histoigeo.jimdo.com/protected/?loginfailed=yes&comeFrom=http%3A%2F%2Fhistoigeo.jimdo.com%2Fr%25C3%25A9visions-tests%2F&

thank you very very very much ( sorry for my disgusting english….i’m french) <3



Do you even have the authority to do that? :/

10 years ago


my teacher said it’s impossible to hack his website so i want to try

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[deleted user]
10 years ago


First have your history teacher verify his identity and post here that he gives us permission. Then maybe, just maybe, we will take a look.

10 years ago


Yeah. Just take a picture of him holding a card saying “i agree, hackthis!” or smth similar. And we’re ok ;)

[deleted user]
10 years ago


Anyone can hold up a sign and pretend to be someone else :) Need to think this one through thoroughly for us to agree ;)


Teachers email maybe? Just a suggestion… Usually school emails have the school district as the domain, so you think that would work?

Have him email one of us with permission allowing us to test his website for vulnerabilities and let’s have a fun day.

[deleted user]
10 years ago


@MaxLockhart Probably won’t cut it :) —-> https://emkei.cz/


Well, then…one of us would have to meet him to be sure. :)


O.o woah…. thanks @sabretooth I’ve been lookin' for one of those

[deleted user]
10 years ago


Just be aware the source can be traced by looking at the email headers :)

Max Lockhart [MaxLockhart]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Of course…. I mean just for personal use though because I have some people I want to message and not be able to get ahold of me again. Most of them are computer illiterate as well nor would have reason to track me down.

10 years ago


go on hack it !!!!


I mean… sure. But there’s going to be some legal issued involved and some jail time if somebody doesn’t follow the rules. He needs permission.

10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Personally - I don’t give a shit.

I’ve seen these messages quite a few times now. You want to hack it? Cool. I hope you get caught and your parents have to pay a fine you (and obviously they) won’t forget, so you can’t go to university in a few years.

Street will teach you the respect your parents don’t. :)


[deleted user]
10 years ago


@SFisher I wish I could give you 100x karma for that post.
Sums it up perfectly.


Very blunt and short. Perfect. Just like what sabretooth said.

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