Auto ticker?
10 years ago
I see more and more threads being posted about news articles, and then someone replying ‘this should have been submitted to the ticker’
Would it be possible to have a check box when posting to the forum ‘Submit to news ticker’ as this may remind or prompt the user that the feature exists and they can redirect their post accordingly (or at least their link) ?
Just an idea…
I think this is a good idea. I wat to think people sometimes do it to add their own commentary/opinion on the piece of news they’re providing. I don’t know if it would be a good idea to implement a little description/discussion inside the ticker itself (very easy to post unnecessary text…). Your suggestion sounds like a better option.
Sorry if that sounded stupid.
All your karamas are belong to us.
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago
[quote=SFisher]I don’t know if it would be a good idea to implement a little description/discussion inside the ticker itself (very easy to post unnecessary text…).[/quote]
Well why not have people respond to ticker items ike it is possible to do with news posts. This way they can have a discussion, but the ticker still only shows the relevant link? :)
A very good idea, sabre! If you have the time, you can always try and implement it ;) The code is on git-hub somewhere, just branch it and go wild :)
I’ve always thought discussions would be nice on ticker items,too :)
Don’t post answers on the forums!
Search other forums before making new threads called “help” !
Yes, that’s what I meant somehow, like maybe an expandable field (like the spoiler button but it would show the description/discussion). But I still think that would mean that often things would go off-topic, it’s another front for spam, etc. It’s a risk, maybe worth it?
Sorry if that sounded stupid.
All your karamas are belong to us.
10 years ago
I think providing the ticker only shows the link, and the discussion is only shown upon opening the link in the ticker (similar to news posts) spam wont be an issue. It wont be as ‘in your face’ as it is on the forums.
Sorry if that sounded stupid.
All your karamas are belong to us.
10 years ago
I’ll wait for an opinion from @flabbyrabbit :)
Adding discussions to ticker links is a nice idea and also fairly straight forward to add. It would also be nice to make the ticker a more prominent part of the site, even a separate subdomain for people just looking for the latest links/discussion.