Hello everyone!

Greetings everyone,
I’m RuxHighwind, and I’m very pleased to join this community. I got to know this website from a very clever friend of mine who is really into network security (even though I don’t know his nickname in here, because he’s busy studying some other stuff right now), and he really wanted to start to know some of the hacking tips.
Well, I got pretty addicted to it when I started doing the main exercises since it wasn’t the first time I was touching web stuff such has html / js. Ever since I was a kid I loved computing. Started to code some stuff around the age of 15 only though, because computer games were eating all of my time back then, and also I couldn’t speak english so well at that time and it’s hard to research some stuff when you’re Portuguese. Love to learn new things and explore the things that you don’t really learn on school/university or some googled website (even though I used lots of them to solve many of the problems, but without a problem you don’t really get to research unless you really want to get something on your own).
As it was stated above, I’m kinda an semi-hardcore gamer when I have time as you can see from my image (Final Fantasy fan >_>), but other than that I’m just a normal computer nerd getting more skills so I can put them in practice.
Hope to participate more often in the forums, and I’m so sorry for only posting an introduction after being regitered for a couple of days already.
Edit: I now it’s not a big deal, since pretty much everyone here love Linux (I think so), but I also DEEPLY LOVE LINUX. Should be the main OS around the world…but you know the drill.
Cheers to everyone!
“You can’t change the past, you can only change yourself.”

Hi there, welcome to HackThis!!
10 years ago
Nice to find a well-written introduction.
We hope you settle in here ok, and if you need any help around the site, your first port of call should be the forums. They offer hints for the challenges and are a great place to learn from others.
The PM system is also available of course and we have no issues in helping people out, but if someone delivers to us a question for which the answer is available in the forum then expect @flabbyrabbit to run after you with a pencil, shouting something about carrots.
Well actually, maybe not, but it does get annoying, so check the forums first mm'kay? :)
Welcome to HackThis!! and we hope to see you participating in the forum and rising through the ranks soon.

Hey man….welcome to HT !! Hope you have a great time learning here !! In case of any problem , as @sabretooth said , you can always turn to the forums !! :)
@sabretooth : I really loved that part where @flabbyrabbit was running with a pencil shouting about carrots !! :D

[quote=sabretooth]Nice to find a well-written introduction.[/quote]
It’s also nice to find that the first person who got in touch with me on IRC is writing on my post! Thanks for saying it was well-written, since English is not my main language sometimes I find myself wondering if I’m saying things properly and if they sound nice to those who regularly speak english. :P
Ever since I spoke to you on IRC, I search the forums first before asking the same question. I’ve seen many posts that ask the same thing as someone else…that’s why only after 4 days I decided to post on the forums. I’ve been learning a lot in here, and I’m willing even to learn more but, I have to work for it right now as Coding level 2 and crypt level 7 are a pain in the ass! >.>
Thanks for receiving me so well @freewind1012, @xzy123prog, @sabretooth and @Abhi_hacker, I’m sure we’ll be talking a lot on these forums :D
P.S: I’ll avoid spamming the forum though, otherwise you’ll say I’m working on my medals! :P
“You can’t change the past, you can only change yourself.”

Welcome @RuxHighwind! You can use @[username] (remove the [ ]) to mention someone.

Thank you @kapuccino, I guess I’ll never stop learning! ^.^
“You can’t change the past, you can only change yourself.”

Well Allo there! Welcome to Hackthis, its the best community you’ll find out there. Hope you’ll enjoy your stay here.
And yea be careful with the forums. :)
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D
JAYSSJ11- “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.”