Thai police arrest Algerian hacker on FBI list

12 years ago


BANGKOK - Thai police have arrested an Algerian national wanted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for allegedly making tens of millions of dollars from cyber crime, officials said Monday.

Hamza Bendelladj, 24, was arrested late Sunday while attempting to transit through Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi Airport from Malaysia, Immigration Bureau chief Pharnu Kerdlarpphon said.

“We were tipped off to his arrival by the FBI, who have been following his case for the past three years,” Pol Lt Gen Pharnu said.

Mr Bendelladj, who graduated in computer sciences in Algeria in 2008, has allegedly hacked private accounts in 217 banks and financial companies worldwide, amassing “huge amounts” in illicit earnings, Pol Lt Gen Pharnu told a press conference.

“With just one transaction he could earn 10 to 20 million dollars,” Lt Gen Phanu said. “He’s been travelling the world flying first class and living a life of luxury.”

A satellite phone and notebook computer were his main tools, the commissioner said.

Thailand will seek to extradite Mr Bendelladj to the US state of Georgia, where a court has issued a warrant for his arrest.

A smiling Bendelladj, who was present at the press conference, denied claims by the Thai authorities that he was on the FBI’s top-10 most wanted list.

12 years ago


i steel cant understand why people r doing illegal things if they can earn money doin legal things …
but thanks anyway for the good information :)


These are the guys making a bad impression on hackers!

12 years ago


yeah u r right

12 years ago


and this guy seems very happy LOL :P

12 years ago | edited 12 years ago


I think that he will work for the CIA or the FBI now that’s why he seems happy :D

Scott [scopes20]
12 years ago


A lot of black hats become white hats working for the goverment because they already know how a black hat thinks. if you want a very well paid job in fbi cyber division, do something illegal. its so messed up.

12 years ago


yeah LOL

12 years ago


These are the guys making a bad impression on hackers!

You even know what you are talking about? Hackers have the right to choose their style whether to be black, white or gray hat. And yeah the best professionals are black hats and are not yet caught. There is a lot more money in the REAL undergrounds than you might even guess. In comparison to a job in the FBI, deep web undergrounds offer money that is not achieved by a normal person for the whole of his life. Of course, there is a risk, but the best hackers are in that business.

12 years ago


“best hackers are in that business. ” i agree with u @Keeper


hahaha yeah…. better learn from the dark side :)

12 years ago | edited 12 years ago


I just found Y vid, he is so pro… !!!

12 years ago


this is the risks of to be a hacker

12 years ago


2 of my favourite quotes:

1) If you like sausages or the law.. never watch either being made. -Otto von Bismarck

2) I will accept any rules that you feel necessary to your freedom. I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do. - extract from “The Moon is a Harsh Mistress”

If the “law” ever put me in his position.. I would like to have his smile.. because I know I would be there for MY reasons.
(but personally.. if you just steal money for luxury and material wealth. you better be fething certain that you’re as smart as you are greedy)


Why would they put him in prison he didn’t physically hurt anyone. So what if people lost money its the banks responsibility to keep there systems up to date and refund any lost money .. and wtf people are Acctually acting as if he murdered someone ..? money is a peice of cotton paper with some ink on it, it has no value until people think it does no one should have there life taken away from them for something that can be printed out again special when no one was physically hurt.

12 years ago


He seems like a cool guy.

I like how he smiles at the media,
To be honest this guy, had millions in dollars and traveled first class and had nice equipment.
So you tell me? Was it worth it? I think it was.


i am a hacker and i’m proud hahaha said the guy :)

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