so I’ve done this so far>> x = Document.getElementByTagName(textarea)[0].innerHTML; x.split(); x.sort()
but it has returned sort as not a function
Split returns an array of substrings. Furthermore: The split() method does not change the original string.
Read the documentation of that functions to understand what you are doing
okay well I’ve developed it a bit more I realised my misake with the last code but I still can’t submit it fast enough.
You should remove that not to spoil too much. You could try to make it inline to be faster
I think I have a similar problem, my code is easier: document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0].innerHTML.split(',').sort(); but it seems wrong for the system…am I correct? Have I to set the result to a variable?
Re-read the description of the level, you are missing a thing
Maybe you could improve your code by adding a submit method in order to do it automatically (and faster)?
That is not the point :) he missed one requested thing of the level
Yeah I saw but I thought that could also help.. (I didn’t want to give him what’s missing here!)
Nice move from a nice guy B)
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