i have the right code but still not working


Thomas [25thomasoooo]
12 years ago


i have the right code but it keeps on say illegl symtex please help

Peter [verath]
12 years ago


Then you don’t “have” the right code. Simple, eh?

Thomas [25thomasoooo]
12 years ago


yeh but i dont know how to get the code

Thomas [25thomasoooo]
12 years ago | edited 12 years ago


this is my code:

Admin: please don’t post code answers, working or not

J [ColdIV]
12 years ago


well if i’m right then there is a obvious mistake in the first line, and you should delete it it’s way too close to an answer…

Susan S [Trinity]
12 years ago


I can’t see anything wrong with the first line at all.

J [ColdIV]
12 years ago


I’m not sure I think he was trying it with the wrong textbox.

#RS69 [Rs69]
12 years ago


how to get code? i don’t understand here.. :-D

James Singh [cpn1000]
11 years ago


Ok guys (and girls) how do we get the code i mean come on!!!!!!!!!!!

J [ColdIV]
11 years ago


Write it?
You should write your own little script to solve the level.
Most people do it in JavaScript because it’s easy to use and fast.
But you can also do it in C or something else.

James Singh [cpn1000]
11 years ago


How would I write “my own little script” and if I did how could I putt it in the level???

J [ColdIV]
11 years ago


Ever heard about JavaScript? You can run it in the Console of your Browser (In chrome, with firebug also in firefox).
Or you just have an program in which you paste the content of the first box and then copy what the program gives you to paste it in the 2nd box. It’s really not hard..

Jaison [jsH4cK]
11 years ago


I sorted it in alphabetic order in csv form and I am submitting the answer from my php page but it shows wrong answer. why??

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


jsH4cK, I think you should examine the words carefully to make sure they are in the right order.

Asesino04 [oeb1590]
11 years ago


make sure that the code is working 100 %

Jaison [jsH4cK]
11 years ago


Got it. :) made a silly mistake in the looping statement..

nassim [nasim9]
11 years ago


hi how to hacking ??????

11 years ago


nasim9: All u need is to think……


wow !!! thank u @Srinivasan for ur answer ! hehehe

11 years ago


The code I have does what is needed, however, it prints with [“ ”]. Am I missing something inside the code that keeps that in the output?

11 years ago


Hey there,

i think i have the right code. What i do is: creating a new var and give it the value of the “words - field”. The second line is the one that shoul sort the the word within this new var. then i copy the words into the answer-field. this works fine and the anser-field is filled with the words but the console says that .sort is no function?! Any ideas why i cant use sort with the new var i created?

11 years ago


perhaps your var is still a string, when you try to run the sort on it? All vars aren’t equal in javascript…

11 years ago


Yeah this was the answer! I needed to split the createt string so it is an “real” array. Then i sorted and tadaaa i needed just 5 seconds to solve the level! Thanks a lot!

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aemogie. [theaemogie]
4 years ago | edited 4 years ago


I created a code but for some reason it’s not working.

Can anyone check why. Please..

document.getElementById("answer").innerHTML = document.getElementById("words").value.split(",").sort().toString();
Also, I can’t submit() it using javascript because the form has no Id. Is there a workaround for this?

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