lets make a virus

andrew [andrewtx]
10 years ago


i have an idea
it may seems weird and it will but i dont care

what if hackthis made a level for us that contains a virus
so when you click the level a virus is installed to your computer
then you have to stop the virus before the time is over: like two days or something like that
then you cant use your computer for an hour and then you can retry
when you actually stopped it you have to figure out how to infect another member of this hacking site (top 50-best members)
so that it is a virus that one by one infects and a virus that you have to share

this would be very nice

? [stefanking56]
10 years ago


it would be not very nice,but just to remind you,antivirus programs exist.

andrew [andrewtx]
10 years ago


it would be awesome
no shit :0
one that is not recognised and also not dangerous and you have to allow a few things so your antivirus is oke with the virus

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


In short: ###NOOOOO

Oh look! I made a rainbow for you.

andrew [andrewtx]
10 years ago


why are you against it
because it is clearly not a good idea …
but why
then we finally learn the real shit

btw how do you use colors :D

10 years ago


And then you find out you don’t know how to get rid of the virus and you are stuck with a computer that locks up every now and then. Oh, not to forget that the person that infected you was kind of a dick and infected you with a bit more than the challenge virus.

Yeah… not going to happen. ;)

If you want to learn “the real shit”, download some real viruses and analyse them. Perhaps set up a VM and play around in there. Perhaps .com viruses could be an easy start. However, I have the feeling you aren’t really ready for “the real shit”.

andrew [andrewtx]
10 years ago


oke you are right :D
I tought there were no assholes around here but i can be wrong :)
of course i am not ready to this real shit :)
i am 5 days here btw :D before this i was one of them who tought you could learn how to hack with just watch a tutorial from 10 minutes on youtube :D :D :D
so actually what i am saying is i am a noob in hacking
but when i am i shure will create a virtual environment to experiment with viruses :D
time to close?

[deleted user]
10 years ago


tbh, hackquest had a level like this and it was pretty awesome, but really it takes a lot of thought to code a challenge like this without it running wild.
Regardless, I still vote no :)

Feel free to close.

andrew [andrewtx]
10 years ago


ow i see
what is hackquest

you convinced me all the answer is no :)

[deleted user]
10 years ago


HackQuest is a now unfortunately dead challenge site due to a disk error. No matter :)

andrew [andrewtx]
10 years ago


thats a pitty
is your site harder or easier than thisone?

[deleted user]
10 years ago


That’s not really for me to say :)

andrew [andrewtx]
10 years ago


hahaha basicly what you saying is try and see :)
well i will

[deleted user]
10 years ago


@andrewtx I’m just saying I think it would be unfair for me to determine as I would be biased :)

andrew [andrewtx]
10 years ago


yes thats true :)

10 years ago


Meh! I wouldn’t like to be locked out off my computer! :/
I just don’t get how this was gonna work.

andrew [andrewtx]
10 years ago


perhaps with a shutoff function so you can search as long as you want
and when you know you can try again for like two days

[deleted user]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


IIRC, the one on hackquest had a lot of disclaimers and I personally solved it without even running the virus, just reversed it.
The issue isnt being infected - virii can be removed easily enough, its more the fact that if it HAS to be run for the challenge to be solved, it would need to cater for windows, linux, mac, solaris, android, etc

Just not practical :)

Of course - VM will solve all the problems. I still vote no however :)

andrew [andrewtx]
10 years ago


i see that is a big issue

it is a pitty perhaps next time my weird fantasies will become real :D
time to close down

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