Elites Forum

Alright so this will be discussion of Elite’s Forum. How is that coming @jayssj11 is it new? Seems pretty interesting! If you want to find me I’m AlienHack and the link is:
Please try this site. Props to @jayssj11! Looks good!
Interesting forum, saw it the other day and forgot about it a bit so it’s good this thread is open, hopefully we can get quite a few members of Hackthis!! to join it.

I thought so. I was looking around and saw that there were only 10 members… Thought it would be good to increase that number and get some good minds in there. And great signature!
Please try this site. Props to @jayssj11! Looks good!
I guess the site is still in it’s early days, so hopefully more members will join. :)
Thanks, how did you change your username by the way?

I talked to @flabbyrabbit and he did me a little favor by changing it. I don’t think he’ll want to do it for just anyone though…
Please try this site. Props to @jayssj11! Looks good!

what was your name before?
nice forum i am definetly going to join
just for understanding it is just a forum right? or can you do anything else on there?
The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for. - Bob Marley, the last living legend of this world

As far as I’m aware it is strictly forum… @jayssj11 would have more info as far as that goes. My name before was Greyhatfool. :)
Please try this site. Props to @jayssj11! Looks good!

The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for. - Bob Marley, the last living legend of this world

What does the name mean? Well when I started on this site I wasn’t a very good hacker yet so thus the “fool” part and then I was a greyhat hacker so there was “Greyhat” I put it all together and made “Greyhatfool”
Please try this site. Props to @jayssj11! Looks good!

nice story but i meant what does strictly means? :D
@AlienWars what is your name on the forum so i can refferr to you
@jayssj11 for you the same question
The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for. - Bob Marley, the last living legend of this world

I’m AlienHack on Elites Forum and @jayssj11 is jayssj11
Please try this site. Props to @jayssj11! Looks good!
thanks alienwars for introducing our site . as the site name suggest Elitesforum , the site is basically a forums site , containing varities of forums , it is not only restricted to hacking and computers .
Later i and roun512 might add some challenges to our site , for now it is just a forum site . share your knowledge help others to learn :)
JAYSSJ11- “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.”

Yes a pretty good site indeed. The forum is a little slow for now but hope to see it grow fast. :)
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D

@AlienWars: This is an off-topic post but I have a question: How could change your username from Greyhatfool to this one?

@xzy123prog: Thank you, silly me! I was not online in 2 - 3 days. Error: Too much information to handle. :D

Don’t post answers on the forums!
Search other forums before making new threads called “help” !
@Freewind1012 your welcome. I was surprised not to see you online for so many days haha, you missed out on quite a few new things. :p
JAYSSJ11- “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.”

Just for the sake of having discussion here although it could be discussed at ElitesForum, I was wondering how you go from newbie to junior member. Also how many classes are there? @jayssj11 I also personally think that some challenges would be good. If it could be useful to you for some suggestions I will work on some. Was thinking about doing it for this site anyway so it would be good practice for me. ;)
Please try this site. Props to @jayssj11! Looks good!