Yes! Another level: Basic+ Level 6. Thanks @flabbyrabbit for creating this level! :D
However, the question “What company…” got me. Is there any space, acronym or special character between words? Is the accepted answer unique (You have to submit exactly like that!) or a range of options? To be honest, I have no idea about hosting services in England. :/
I think that I have the right answer the the 1 and 3 .but I’m a bit stuck on the 2.I was thinking of looking at an email from hackthis to see what I can find out,but I don’t have any email.So could someone send me a PM?
And for the 3 , I think that the nameservers that HT uses are from that company.I found the out using a website that @Fireshard had shared some time ago,
10 years ago
@stefanking56 2 was hardest for me also but there are a couple of nice ways to find it :)
Can you maybe edit your post a little though, your methods give away some of the ideas behind the challenge even though they are not totally correct :)
@sabretooth I edited it, I am sure that I had 3 wrong,I tried it with another answer and it wrong,but I am pretty sure that its the right answer.
Could I maybe PM it to you and you tell me if it’s wrong
10 years ago
@stefanking56 sure, pm me
Well, if this level needs an exact answer, at least let us know the length of the string (with or without using spaces).
Yeah @stefanking56 you can pm me too! :p
Anyways, so the IP is pretty clear I think, but the problem starts with company. As far as I remember it was recently shifted form one to another, but I also am doubting a name which I came across earlier.
And as @freewind1012 said the input to be given is a little problematic as we don’t know what specific name we have to give. :/
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago
I think @flabbyrabbit is opening it up a little to accept more solutions as there is a lot of ambiguity here :)
The challenge is certainly possible as-is but it needs some inventive methods for solving. A whois/dns lookup really isn’t enough.
I like the idea of this level. You need to use several methods to gather all data. However, if the hosting company is ABC Incorporation, which is the correct answer: abc incorporation, abc inc., abcincorporation or just abc? That’s the problem.
10 years ago
Just abc is fine :)
10 years ago
Pm me.
Oops, I forgot to close this thread. :D
Tips: How to submit your answer?
[] The IP address: Don’t try IPv6.
[] The email software: The string will be automatically converted to lowercase, but it is space-sensitive. In short, NO case-sensitive BUT space-sensitive. As long as your answer starts with the correct name, it will get accepted.
[*] The hosting company: The string will be automatically converted to lowercase and the spaces will get trimmed also. In short, feel free to submit whatever you want. As long as your answer starts with the correct name, it will get accepted.