Prodigy Hacking Group.


Join if you wish for answers.



Look. I don’t have much hacking skill. I don’t phish, dDos, or much of the sort. Compared to some, I have minimal computer knowledge.
But what I do have, is a dream. Those famous words have been said in the past once or twice, and look how far they got the people who used them. I wish to re-invent the internet. I don’t want sensitive data, I don’t want to hack bank accounts, credit cards, or whatever else “black hat hackers” want. I want power. I also want a community. I want this whole thing taken to a whole new level. I no longer want the most talented people I have ever seen being cast in the shadows on a website that no one even knows about. I don’t want separation to sprout from this proposal. I want everyone to join Prodigy, hacking skill or not. I want people to say the name with respect, fear, and admiration. I want to give them a group of highly trained individuals in the art of hacking that they won’t soon forget. If you share my vision for this underground world, if you want what I desire; then please be so kind as to reply back to this thread and give me your name, age, gender, and Skype name. The requirements: a computer, a Skype account, and the will to force the name Prodigy into the minds of the dim.

12 years ago


Basically you want to make a cult. :)

12 years ago


Here’s a thought: Why? And please formulate a good reason, which would not insult anyone’s intelligence…

The “reply back to this thread and give me your name, age, gender, and Skype name” has put me on guard. Sorry if I don’t have a reason and thus doubt your innocence on the matter, but as a social engineer wannabe, I can’t not be checked by that remark.


To answer both your questions, it isn’t a cult. That isn’t my intention. I am trying to build a bigger community than what we have. I have nothing but good intentions for the HackThis!! community. I said to reply back to the thread if you were interested in joining. You have no reason to stay on your guard, Fireshard. I am not trying to harm people, and I can assure you on my sincerity on this manner. It was simply a proposal. Not trying to make a cult, and I only tell lies to those stupid enough to believe them. As for the purpose, to simply make the website, the community, and all hackers alike more united, organized, and powerful.

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
12 years ago


The concern is that you are asking for personal details straight off. A better tact would have been to ask interested members to private message you to show their interest. From there if they are still interested then would be the time to ask more information about them. Accept that people are always wary when personal details are being requested, and rightly they should be.


Completely understood, and I respect your input. Perhaps I was a bit too hasty in the beginning. If anyone is interested, message my Skype or HackThis!!, however I will most likely get back to you on my Skype quicker.

12 years ago


[quote=xxMiDNiTExx]I only tell lies to those stupid enough to believe them[/quote]
How can you tell beforehand if someone is stupid enough or not?

12 years ago


If they bite the first time, then they deserve to be lied to? < / sarcasm >


daMage, if the people honestly weren’t stupid, then I wouldn’t have to lie to them. Both of you are missing the point to this. I am not out for malicious purposes. I am only here for the good of HackThis!! For those who want to join me, feel as I do, etc., then message me. If not, then why post on this thread?

12 years ago


Because, friend, no matter your purpose, giving confidential information such as name, age, sex, etc… can be used (if not by you then by someone who could access such data) for any kind of purposes.

I will offer the simplest possible scenario here:

Say I am a cracker. I am being searched by police for stealing some money from some accounts. I could easily come into Prodigy and, using the personal info found there, put the police off my trails and possibly accuse some innocent person who happens to know what XSS is…
The internet is no safer than the amount of time required to find the data. Giving such information creates a potential risk. Of course said cracker could find that information someplace else, but the effort in doing so would be greater. It could lower the risk.
(If this all seems like a longshot, unlikely story, read “The art of deception” by Kevin Mitnick…you will be startled by how easily people can be deceived)

I admire your vision, but hackers are people of the shadows by definition. We believe in “knowledge is power” and freedom. We don’t have to prove anything to anyone but ourselves, as hackers. We don’t need people fearing us. We only seek admiration from those that are better than us. That is, I believe, a hackers creed.
I am not against your hacker’s group…just against the way their privacy is (potentially) endangered.

12 years ago


Here’s an idea, why not just give him a pseudonym?

Hi, I’m Peter age 42 from Newhampton. I’m male and my skype ID is pete42

^Not real..

12 years ago


[quote=xxMiDNiTExx]if the people honestly weren’t stupid, then I wouldn’t have to lie to them[/quote]
so you’d rather lie to them than educate them?
I’m not saying that you are doing this for malicious purposes, but you first ask for personal info because you are forming a hacker group and almost immediately after that you say that you only tell lies to people who are stupid enough. It just sounds so… weird. Are you checking who is stupid enough to give their personal details or what?

12 years ago


Don’t we already use a pseudonym?

Ghost [icehead]
12 years ago


stop tring to steel identities , and build programs so that the world can benefit.

[deleted user]
12 years ago


What is it with members on this website. All we seem to get is ‘plez will someone help me’ or ‘I need help’ all because they can’t be bothered to work it out for themselves and want to be spoon fed. You’ll learn nothing by other people providing you with the answers on how to pass a level. I started on here back in 2009 and it never used to be like this. People got help, yes but only after they tried everything they knew and then really only needed a little push in the right direction. Now its all help help help!!!

12 years ago


i’ll come off honest, @xxmidntexx
“i want power” -xxmidnitexx
“i want a community” -xxmidnitexx

ok, two things… it sounds like you just want the people and use us as a power source for your own good, you have no good intention for any of us, you just want to be “great” for yourself!

prodigy ? i think we already have a group on the internet trying to aim freedom and justice while having a little fun
its called ANONYMOUS;
and come on… who are you trying to lie to?

“”But what I do have, is a dream. Those famous words have been said in the past once or twice, and look how far they got the people who used them. I wish to re-invent the internet. I don’t want sensitive data, I don’t want to hack bank accounts, credit cards, or whatever else “black hat hackers” want. I want power. I also want a community. I want this whole thing taken to a whole new level. I no longer want the most talented people I have ever seen being cast in the shadows on a website that no one even knows about.“”

cast as shadows on a website?
yea… i wouldn’t mind being cast as a shadow but earn $10k a month.

i do not want to sound unfair MIDNITE, but you sound underage and do not really grasp reality…

sorry i am against prodigy

[deleted user]
12 years ago


Nice one on that HUNON. Just how I feel on here now. It has changed a lot but because of some of the members I’m not sure if it is for the best. I too am against prodigy.

12 years ago


salut moi je suis d'accord je voudrai faire partir du groupe car je crois qu'on a la me vision

12 years ago


it’s a kind of “fight club” remix with hackers you want, am I wrong ? :D

Honey Boo Boo [Ski900]
12 years ago


I’m sorry, but ANONRA and HUNON said it best. I don’t see how you cannot take this as a joke. All of a sudden someone is going to come in with minimal computer knowledge and reshape the internet? To quote Tropic Thunder, “you never go FULL retard.” Also, can you really equate your actions to that of Martin Luther King Jr.? All I read in this post is that some 14 year old kid, who plays Call Of Duty, wants to be some super duper hacker. And unless your have the Da Vinci Virus to upload, I doubt that will happen.

[deleted user]
12 years ago


Hey Ski900 I just think the quote there was top! Ha! Ha! Ha!
“C” Is For (Please Insert Sophomoric Genitalia Reference HERE)
Wasn’t that from a track on Puscifer’s 2009 tour? :)

Honey Boo Boo [Ski900]
12 years ago


HAHAHA, YES!!! Not many people get that! Puscifer is amazing

[deleted user]
12 years ago


I have Puscifer’s Conditions of My Parole and the new one they released in 2013 Donkey Punch The Night (EP) I’m a bit weird because I also like Metallica with Fade to Black. hehehe!!! I can’t help it I was born this way! :)

12 years ago


“ I want everyone to join Prodigy”
“If you share my vision for this underground world”

==> I’m not sure to really understand all of that. What’s the point exactly ? Famous or not ? Known or not ? Hackers or not ?
In fact, I think, no offense, that you have to grow a little in your mind. As Ski900 said, we’re not in Call of Duty, leave your games and meet the real world a bit. Maybe you will understand some things.
If some people send you their skype and other stuff you asked, congratulations, you’re not alone to be completly immature…

Honey Boo Boo [Ski900]
12 years ago


Haha, shits not weird. I just got the Donkey Punch EP too. Shit is amazing. I’m doing math homework listening to Green Valley right now lol. Good combo haha

11 years ago


I just read Donkey Punch here, i must comment, bye

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