confused where to start??

@feuerstein is right, you should start with the basics. When you know HTML & javascript, you can try some XSS attacks, this kind of exploits/flaws is still widely used nowadays. Once you mastering it, you can give a try to some more powerful languages like python.

Before learning how to hack, it could be better to learn first how to code. But if you just want to complete challenges, that works too. In that case, you should start with the first level(s). Good luck!

A Noob Which Is Eager To Learn And Bypass Any limit!!!

I'am in the same situation, I have been on a computer for a long time and I have the impression that I have not learned anything about the machine and the Web.
I want to learn but I do not know by or I should start because I’m very experienced, between programming, cryptography, network, etc … I’m lost

Try some programming at first (i.e. python as it’s really simple and powerful). Then learn about networks, that helps too. You shouldn’t start with crypto as it requires some previous knowledge. If you really plan to learn about crypto, you should consider learning some low level programming, like C or C++ language. it’s a bit tough at the beginning but really helpful for what you’ll need to understand afterwards (i.e. memory management and things like that).

Python is really powerful, you can do almost everything you need or you could think about with it. It’s a script language, so you won’t have to compile your programs once you wrote them, like in C. HTML and javascript are really easy to understand too, so you can start with them too, especially if you plan to program for the web later (in this case you’ll also have to learn php and/or perl in order to program on the server side, as html and js are interpreted on client side only).
I completed all levels here on HackThis using only html, javascript and php so I can say this is a good combo, however, I could have done the job really faster and easier with python only. You got the advantage to haven’t been polluted by nasty programming habits yet, so if I were you, I’ll start with python. Nothing prevents you to also learn html and javascript on the same time, as it’s really simple.

Thanks, I hope you’ll enjoy learning programming, with python or any language you’ll try. If you want to practice programming efficiently, you can give a try to this website:
There already are a few HackThis challengers inscribed, tell us if you want to join.

There are a lot of great sites to learn programming.
For example
Search for language manual (or reference) and the official tutorials too.
(E.g. Google: php manual, php tutorials)
Start with tutorials, then move to manuals.
When you learn Web Programming, I suggest you this order:
2) CSS
3) JavaScript
4) PHP and SQL (You can start SQL when you start learning about Databases in PHP)
You need other languages too:
1) Python
2) C
3) C++
4) Assembly (this language will be the hardest)
You can start with learning HTML or Python.
If you are brave, you can learn HTML and Python in the same time, but I would suggest you one language at one time. :)
- You might need Ruby, Perl, ASP in the future too.
- But learn the most common languages first.
I wish you the best!