Im too slow with this one

Custom encoding

11 years ago


i wrote a simpel chr converter in php
do i need todo some einstein math here or what ?
= ; / + + 1 5 7 6 * = 2 1 / + * 9 ( 9 % ; = 0 0 / * 6 / ‘ 9 ( 9 + 6 / ) 2 : * 6 9 * 6 9 + 9 + = % + * / / ’ 6 / ‘ / ) 2 : 1 / + * ; = 0

been struggeling for a while now
any ideas ?

J [ColdIV]
11 years ago


I just get an 404 Error.
And I’m not sure if PHP is the best way for you to do it.. I guess it would be better for you to do it with JavaScript.

J [ColdIV]
11 years ago


Well I think there is a lot of script you don’t need.
But it looks good, you just need to add a few more steps.
(And you should delete the link it’s a spoiler I guess..)

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Hi, I used a bit of html and a small php program to pass this level. The html code is realy just a form to enter the numbers and the php works out the task and prints out the answer using LET z = y - x PRINT CHR$(z); NEXT skip copy the numbers printed into the window and press the submit button, job done! So yes you can use php to pass the level. You could make it print the answer directly into the window but I was being lazy and just copied and pasted it into the window myself.

11 years ago


thanks. i keep the link for a day or something maybe someone can give me a tip on the next step :)

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Hi slaine, I had a look at your coding and I think you are overdoing it mate. Your html code only needs about seven lines and the php that I use was only about 19 lines. Have a look through you coding again and see what you can get rid of to make it simpler!

11 years ago


hehe got 13 lines of php now :) and html code not more than i need but yes i could delete some but not yet !

J [ColdIV]
11 years ago


Well it’s not important how long it is when it works.
And I think you could do it even shorter.

11 years ago


no i dont care if its 8 pages only its working, but optimizing is best, that i can do when everything work. So anyone up for a hint to next step so i have something to deal with tomorrow nite. Now i must sleep so i dont miss work. Peace !

J [ColdIV]
11 years ago


You just need to get the right value of what you already got, just a few more steps. Good night and good luck tomorrow!

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


at least its working now try to copy&paste values from coding level 2 into the input i made the answer as a image so u could not cut&paste the answer and finnish the level

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


Nice script, just so u know there are free ocr tools to convert image to text ;)

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