ettercap (adress ip problem)


i have kali linux in a workstation and i tried to use ettercap to sniff my connection to see all the ip adress connected but ettercap shows that the adress ip is 10.0.. but when i use ettercap on ubuntu it shows me that the adress ip is 192.168.. can someone tell me why? and how to solve the problem (10.0.. to 192.168..)?

sorry if u didn’t understand me

5 years ago


i think it showing your kali linux IP the one given to you by the kali machine are you using Nat Network or Bridged???


so why it doesnt show me the other adress ip?

5 years ago


Read up on your VM’s network configuration possibilities. If you are using NAT, the addresses are translated (as the name says), so you won’t see the same on your host as on you VM.


thank you so much dloser the problem is solved

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