What am I doing wrong here?!

Intro 10

10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


First of all, I never studied javascript… now that I think of it I just kinda “know” programing languages (strange but thats not the point).
So I see this script:

[/spoiler ]
And as a logical person I see that it looks like php, a language I happen to know quite well. So I dissect it:

var thecode = ‘code123’;[/spoiler]
this gives me the thought that it is the password itself but cannot be sure.

(function(){ $(‘.level-form’).submit(function(e){ e.preventDefault();[/spoiler]
This line, I assume this is meant to detect when I press the “submit” button and trigger the script.

if ($(‘.level-form #pass’)[0].value == thecode)

This one is quite obvious, if the password I entered is thecode or in other words “code123”

{ document.location = “?pass=” + thecode; } else { alert(‘Incorrect Password’); } }); }); -!>
If the above is true than I should be forwarded to ?pass=code123 but instead I just get the error alert.

So I tried making the GET request manually but no luck
What did I do wrong?!?!

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Well, what you did wrong is to spoil this level. Please edit your post by using spoiler tag like this:
[ spoiler ]Your spoiler goes here.[ /spoiler ] (Please remember to remove the spaces!)

About your problem: Have you ever heard about overriding a variable?

10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


@freewind is there really any point in overriding variables if I already know the value? To what am I suppose to override it?
Oh and also how do I tag people?

rushA [xzy123prog]
10 years ago


To tag people just use the “@” symbol, just make sure to write their whole name so that it tags them.

10 years ago


@Codex561 who said you need to override the variable?

10 years ago


@holographic freewind1012 did or implied that I need to do so.

I just do not see what I am doing wrong :s

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


@Codex561: Well, I did not say that you needed to override a variable. The variable has already been overridden.

10 years ago


@freewind1012 Um ok I just solved but it is still confusing….
Thecode is getting set to “code123”, why is the password not “code123”?
var thecode = ‘code123’;
And where does the password pop out of, I do not see it anywhere in the sourcecode

10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


declaring var thecode inside the function creates another instance of it inside the function. There is another thecode as a global. If you wanted to check against “code123”, you would have to do if ($(‘.level-form #pass’)[0].value == this.thecode)

10 years ago


@holographic so it was there just to throw people off?

10 years ago


well, that’s the whole point of the challenge

Evo Prime [littleRed]
9 years ago | edited 9 years ago


Your starting point is right, you have to let #pass == thecode;
Use the console in the web dev tool.

check every variable,Than you will get the answer.

9 years ago | edited 9 years ago


Yes littleRed is correct

If you put a variable name in the console and hit enter, this will return the value of the variable

Alien [necromonger]
6 years ago


@Spoonisi Thank you for your hint! It was really helpful!

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