

You will hear this name by countless media …… !

[deleted user]
12 years ago


What are you on about?


just another interesting post maybe :)

???Roun512 [roun512]
12 years ago


he means he will make the world remember his name ( thekinghack ) = learn hacking :)

12 years ago


so he’ll be a world famous hacker soon?

???Roun512 [roun512]
12 years ago


hehe yes if he learn well

#RS69 [Rs69]
12 years ago




I think the world needs to change! this world is too dominated by evil!,,, everywhere, are wars and social unrest, disease, suffering, etc … ! I believe that I can change the world, and yes, I will. The world needs to be saved by hackers with an extreme computer knowledge. I invite you to join my fight and save this sick world. yes, we can! this is why I volunteer.


if u’re agreed , it’s cool

Peter [verath]
12 years ago


I don’t get you. Who writes u instead of you, but still bothers with apostrophes?

Some people just want to see the world bur… Ohh, wait. Good luck on that saving the world thing you’ve got planed!


i think it’s possible… hackers can change the world

Ghost [icehead]
12 years ago


thekinghack, hackers are people who live in shadows, those who moves mysteriously on the internet, people who break the law to roam free on cyberspace, but in reality 75% of them are not physical fit , so how are you going to save the world?

12 years ago


hehehe go and save if u can :P

12 years ago



If you can succeed then your journey awaits.

12 years ago


I order with extra cheese + bacon!

12 years ago


his journey a route to the kitchen?


don’t try to save the world, just be the change that you want to see.


what u need is what u get !!! i will !


decide to be a good or a bad hacker :)


hahaha ! im an angel !

[deleted user]
12 years ago



y don’t u become Batman…
that way u can change the world by setting an example n ur hacking skill will help u in investigation :P

n make ur costume batter then batman movies n SAFE :D


ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh be patient !

Genesis [Fromwarriors]
12 years ago


Monsanto? Fuck those pigs. Excuse my French.


mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm what pigs ?

Genesis [Fromwarriors]
12 years ago


Monsanto. Horrible company…


oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh not nice !

[deleted user]
12 years ago


Some people are not on the same planet. Jeez!!


Ha! Ha! Ha! you are Dead right there ANONRA
Oh and Dead right is an Idiom and means: Something or someone is absolutely correct, without doubt.
Just for our foreign members, he he he he!!!!

-.- [BooCracker1]
12 years ago


All a hacker knows is about computers..and life is not about computers so what change can u do

[deleted user]
12 years ago


That’s a load of rubbish BooCracker1. People make the mistake about the definition of a HACKER. Without HACKERS there would be no internet. It was Hackers who first thought of the world wide web.They Hackers build. Crackers are the nasties. So be a Hacker and not a Cracker. A Hacker is person who writes programs in assembly language or in system-level languages, such as C. The term often refers to any programmer, but its true meaning is someone with a strong technical background who is “hacking away” at the bits and bytes to try and make the code work better.

Hackers Have a Bad Name: During the 1990s, the term “hacker” became synonymous with “cracker,” which is a person who performs some form of computer sabotage. The association is understandable. In order to be an effective cracker, you had to be a good hacker, thus the terms got intertwined, and hacker won out as the “bad guy” in the popular press. However, sometimes, hackers are not worthy of the original meaning of the term. Today, a lot of malicious acts are performed by people with limited knowledge who gain unauthorized entrance into computers to steal data or perform mischief like script kiddie’s.

This Definition of a Hacker was taken from

The term hacker generally refers to any person who enjoys understanding, modifying, and exploring programmable systems, particularly computers and computer systems. Hacker has been used to describe individuals who bypass security measures for malicious purposes or criminal activity; however, most people within the hacker community refer to these individuals as crackers. Alternatively, one can refer to crackers as black hat hackers and hackers that are paid computer security experts as white hat hackers. Hackers consider themselves to be freedom-loving problem-solvers who love sharpening their technical skills and using their intelligence. Hackers gain respect from each other by identifying and solving complex problems and sharing their solutions with other hackers. Hackers also detest repetitive work and endeavor to discover ways to automate as much as possible.

Grey hat hackers are those that fall somewhere in between black and white hats. A good example of grey hat activity is searching the web for systems that have vulnerabilities, exploiting those vulnerabilities, and then informing the owner that the exploit can be repaired for a fee. Script kiddies are non-expert hackers that use other hackers pre-packaged automated tools and have little experience or knowledge. Neophyte refers to hackers that are very new and have little to know knowledge. Elite hacker is a term reserved for those with the most skill and experience and is considered a social status in the hacker community.

It was so called hackers who write the source code to run your hospital equipment, it was a hacker who started apple and a lot of other stuff. Everything that needs some sort of code to make it run was in effect created by a hacker. Hackers programs put the man on the moon, he developed the software that allows us to see a cross section of the human body and much, much more. So to say a Hacker only knows one this is a stupid statement.

[deleted user]
12 years ago | edited 12 years ago


i agree with u ANONRA…
2 years before even i didn’t know true meaning of hacker, but then i found a video which describe everything then i get who were heckers. check out the video BooCracker1.


wow ! wonderful from u @ANONRA !!

-.- [BooCracker1]
12 years ago


OMG u people..I was just saying that not many hackers are known for good despite those with new ideas like Zuckerberg or Gates they maybe somehow changed the world yes but I cant imagine how one of us can change the world in politic way as thekinghack thinks he will. What are u going to do thekinghack about wars,social unrest, disease, suffering…WHAT??


people choose to be bad or good , but actually there are still good in every soul :)


Hello everyone - i’m very happy to be between US .


@BooCracker1 be patient ! all the world will see the result !! @mattempik thx for ur idea !!! we are all different and i think we have power to change the world but many person dont know this secret !! i will just use my power from God in order to change the world !! it’s possible !!! yes , it is !!! try and u will be happy !!

12 years ago


Sorry to say it but GOD is not real buddy.

J [ColdIV]
12 years ago


“GOD is real unless declared integer”

12 years ago


I cant relate to that joke Cold ;) still saying there isnt one !

J [ColdIV]
12 years ago


Well I think you can believe in what ever you want.
But I cannot believe in some invisible guy, telling me that I’ll go to hell. Some people told me the same and I’ll certainly not pray to them…

-.- [BooCracker1]
12 years ago


so how are we going to know u when u will be a hero @thekinghack ??


we need to believe in something , because if we dont believe in ourself who else gonna be ?


thank u @Mattempik !! be patient BooCracker1

12 years ago


hi gays i wont to know if there a keyloger who i can send to my friend and collect all his information and if there is one how to use it?
12 years ago | edited 12 years ago


hi gays
[/quote] i somehow feel adressed…

yes there is probably one. i don’t know though if you can send it to your friend, depends on your level of ability. furthermore using it would be like following:
- take a random finger (some people prefer working with 8 fingers, some also additionally with 2 thumbs)
- move it towards the keyboard
- press it/them on a/some key/s (be aware that some keys / key combo’s may cause things to happen)
- you’re done

you’re welcome

btw: keylogger don’t collect information, they just log key actions. so if he is typing random shit, you will get:

guess …

S5R:amp;dI28#“W£{I.G3kU[x+O}fiGѦh([=+f̢d7amp;^ ґ%P=vJ6}:ǑK"z1Gc[؜\e6"5"LKqhnt1g4$|R|,? i9a<xmoX{lm2e&)u%u2۷BATG͟އIO? qNE4d;,8mp::0[u}^G‘3SPSt]?? qggoB@%!4crsquo;]Ec?f&?, ? MC6nK!OP>PrlP"잔x]J? OAGp@߃۶w o5L<P9 :!*3+wnǰK;ȧkհnϬm[v[N^[/%0+j8|āMd{隔ƯlR"L1s$8? {R07 ($$l>l¥e9%W%dzm6=p剨amp;W&EN,mo[w!? Wί&T&? $򥎰bU\)AtLޮzw$6WI?? AG*۴V[BGs aYŖCۭ>la!;q6aWuͷYO$+WlE߻?? A, NC$P'nR? X? ɰ7R*K9)P(+J? 3K؉0-@L8lG.T?P65? 08B?$>Əwffϓ{? rs`tK/=G",͜כxPWR;3-(ڝNJGIP-ZQ? ?!i_C1bNKWȰGSKGZ%^\/_@1qaHg]9囄@Xr-

correct ! you will get random shit

Gordon [gwhat]
11 years ago


To TheHackKing I like the way you think and I agree with what you are saying. I’m new at this wish you could bring me up to speed
The world is shit and filled with greedy greedy people that could care less about the rest of us . Please contact me and teach me the trade. I would like to help. If you don’t contact me Hey I understand.


u’re welcome @gwhat .

11 years ago


omg i think a movement has been formed lol how serious ^_^

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