So I have successfully exploited a vuln. Now I wanna use it, of course.. but there is one problem.. my website name is too long to inject :/ any solutions?
Hmm, nono :P The problem is, the string that shows the message title in the contact form gets capped at 10 or 15 characters :P So when my websitename is 10 characters, there is no room to encapsulate it into my injection.
Thank you. I’ve been able to inject it. But.. is the challenge up and running? Because nothing happens, but it works offline :s
[deleted user] 10 years ago
This is level is such a pain.
I was able to run the code for cookie and it also showed the cookie but it shows the cookie for HT!! and not for that website. Plus there is a character length limitation. I have searched a lot and still searching how to bypass that limitation of character length. Hopefully someday I would be really able to complete this. :)
Ok I’ve found the solution.. when I myself am accessing the page I get all the information I need (I made it so all the information gets in my mailbox). But.. when does the admin check his contact page?
They will check it pretty quickly. But make sure that your solution will work for others too, not just yourself. If you are really really really sure it should work, find someone who has solved it and is willing to check your solution (in private).