Captcha don't work !!!

Captcha 1

Jules303 [papashow]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Hi bro’s,

I have push the time to resolve this one at 10 000s cause in 10s it’s impossible !!! i’m not chinese ;) Joke bro’s :p

Serious i have take my time and time all letter or signe have read and read more for sure have tape the same caracters Captcha image and time remaning is about 9800s i send my answer but level no completed !!!
I have retried 3 times and now i think the Captcha don’t work !!! i now you going to goal whit another way but i’m all good whit my to, no ?

10 years ago


Your writing is pretty close to chinese, if you ask me…

The point of these challenges is not to just type the text manually. What point would that serve? It’s probably an implicit assumption that you can read. Try solving it with a program instead.

Jules303 [papashow]
10 years ago


Sorry for my English but i’m from Marseille and here i’m proffessor ;)

I have to write a “POST” program in Answer case via inspect item ???

Jules303 [papashow]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


have to start my work whit that or a fraction of ?

Or i’m lost ???

Thank l_l bro

10 years ago


If you are really a professor, then that’s even worse, bro.

And yes, you need to get that image, process it and submit the answer with your program. Perhaps first try the coding challenges (or learning programming in general).

Jules303 [papashow]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


In a world where i am professor u have to be the king but in this world we not professor and that not better i think :p
TY for your help bro

I close this one if finish the level …

<I learned bro ;)

Jules303 [papashow]
10 years ago


That cool i can raise time to in level coding 1.

See if it’s work !!!

Mystery [kapuccino]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


As @dloser said above, it is about programming something to read the captcha and to submit the answer automatically. Don’t ask me how, because everyone has his/her own favorite programming language / code editor.

@papashow: Your expression is really, well, creative ~

Jules303 [papashow]
10 years ago


Hello Kapuccino, my prefer coffe to but hard to find everywhere !!! lol

Thnak’s Bro …

Ok have code blocks and i know said “hello world” hihihihihi

Serious have code blocks but can I write this program by Git ?

And i think this program have to be a “POST” method program?

And i think have to send this in inspect item?

So many questions i’m on lame for SpoilerMan (oh it’s cool name !!!)

[deleted user]
10 years ago


@papashow : Dude you’re from which country?

Jules303 [papashow]
10 years ago


HELLO dude,

I’m from South France, merci beaucoup ;)

[deleted user]
10 years ago


That explains then. English is not your first language.

Jules303 [papashow]
10 years ago


God damn !!! I realise it’s possible that some people talk more bad to my English !!! I mean about first language people !!!

Sorry for her but my first is not !!! is 010101110101010001000110 DUDE ;)

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