hi how long will my sever be up??


10 years ago


i made or injected the attack. hmm as the comment, shall we wait for the response?

thanks regards..



You should. ;)

10 years ago


hi admin. i modified the script , but no response for several days. that mean my script was long?? but in test of chall page, al**rt() was succesfully noted.

hmm. could i get some information or others?

thanks regards.

10 years ago


hi, could you get the reply from the victim or still waiting?

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
10 years ago


He has finished this level.
This level works.
The problem is from your script :)

10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Is there a way to increase the 25 character limitation?

Or is there way to inject the code in fragments using multiple post. Will this work?

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
10 years ago


Yes tlotr there is a way to inject the code in fragments :)

10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Okay I was able to make the code work using fragments of it. Now I get a alert popup for document.cookie but the level still shows incomplete. Do I have to wait for sometime/days/weeks and then only it will show that it’s completed. Or I have to do something else other than making a document.cookie to work on the page?

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
10 years ago


You have find the vulnerabilities.
Now search what you can do with it
Remember that this level is a Real one

10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Wasn’t job to get the cookie. Now I am getting the cookie on a pop up every time I open the page but then after clicking on OK nothing happens. Am I missing something?

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
10 years ago


That’s normal ^^
Did you read my post ?…

10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Okay I was up all night till morning trying to make the code work but was unsuccessful. I just wanted to know if re-direction works on the page. I mean I have the code and it is using document.location which is having my web server name which has the .php file but for some reason the code is not executing. I think there are some rules set so that the page doesn’t re-direct to another page. Is this right? So I have to do something else to get the access? Any one who has completed the level using a web server can may be PM me and I will send you the code that I am using. I even tried the onload event handler but that doesn’t work either. However the onload event handler works for popping up an alert box which is not what I want right now. I want the cookie… :D

Also I wanted to know if anyone tried creating a function and then using the onload event handler to execute it and if it worked. I have couple of codes for that too but those didn’t worked either. Maybe I am over thinking and that is what I do actually. I over think a lot but a little nudge from some one to put me in the right direction would be really helpful.

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