What's a good way to get started?

Hey peeps!
I’m Dave! Nothin serious….. at the moment (Muahahaha)
I just wanted to ask, how do you get seriously started in hacking? Sure, this site has taught me some tricks, but I can’t seem to find anything which actually makes me UNDERSTAND what I’m doing.
For example, Intermediate 2. Using the POST method. I have no Idea what to do. The only youtube vid on the matter is quite… lacking.. in a decent explanation of it all.
So could somebody recommend me some good info, websites, books that I could dabble in?
Cheers :)
12 years ago
hx! Dutchman562 there is nothing to understand just little coding n in case to know what POST method n GET method is, u need to know how info (when we login or register for some website) is send from a site to its server then u will understand how it works.

This site isn’t designed to turn you into a hacker. It does however, afford individuals the opportunity to legally hack a site, and have fun doing it!
So, when you see a video that discusses the POST method, it is merely telling you just that. If you want to become a hacker, first think about why you want to hack. Do you have ethical movtivation, such as, interest in taking down child porn sites on the Dark Net? Are you interested in testing out security for a company? Does politics movtivate you, where as, you feel a need to “fight the man”? Or, are you out to wear a black hat and do harm? There are many reasons people become hackers, one key element that all successful hackers have is the love it way beyond the title of “hacker”, and are willing to do time if caught?
As stated previously by myself, and by site admin’s many times, this site will not make you a hacker. If you are seriously interested in pursuing hacking, you have a lot more to learn (obviously) than just what hackthis provides. Learn Java, Javascript, C++, C#, python, the list goes on. You want to know this stuff inside and out, for example; Virus’s that are made by one person, distributed, used by others, will eventually get figured out by anti-virus companies. You want to be able to write and manipulate your own script.
Last but not least, GOOGLE IT!!!! If you have a question, someone has most likely answered it and the information can be found on this fine and fabulous thing we call the internet :)
Hopefully this answers your question, good luck man.
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12 years ago
Ski900 u just burned it that much at once for new ppl it gets a bit messy n hard n as this website says “The Hackers Play Ground” in title, n it is a play ground, we all r here to just start hacking its very basics of it even to pass this we must learn programing n in this world u never stop learning stuff ever. btw nyc speech :)

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Thank you very much!
I’m gonna head down to the library now, pick up books concerning C++, Python and Javascript. Just as a starter.
As for being a White Hat or Black Hat…. Grey is for me. Hacking for Dummies was a waste of time! hahaha, but I haven’t exactly found something to fight for yet. But I definitely know, that if I get into this, it won’t be just a gimmick, it’ll be for something. Yet there is no way that I’m going into a businesses computer files and corrupting them all just because I can.
Thank you Ski, you led me in the right direction! There is a ton of hard work ahead, but that’ll be over eventually.
I’ll message you when I graduate from “Script Kiddie”

No problem, I wouldn’t worry about calling yourself a Script Kiddie (stupid terms lol). With those books I recommeded; I would start with Java (not javascript - two different things). Also, I am not going to tell you how, but figure out how to gain access [safely] to the Dark Net. They have some great forums down there for hacking.
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12 years ago
it was a complement dude!