
Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


[quote=securityweek]Rumors circulated early on Monday that Anonymous has kicked off their OpVendetta campaign with a hack on PayPal. While this hasnt been confirmed, other related defacements and server compromises have been linked to the operation, as the faceless legion aims to make people remember the 5th of November.[/quote]


Honey Boo Boo [Ski900]
11 years ago


This was Nerdo wasn’t it?

11 years ago


This is what happens when a influential person watches a film…

11 years ago


It’s why I prefer to sometimes stand alone

This collective anonymous is somewhat right, but sometimes wrong, because there is no leader.
It’s no order, it’s just chaos.

They speak of freedom, and to over throw the government,
Scenario : we over throw the government…what do we do after?
What happens to everyone?

In my opinion it’s bullshit and childish.
If we have no government worse psychopaths will take advantage of no government.

And the governments we have now…yes they are bad, but the system works.
If you have a better idea I’d like to here it,
I’m not a guy tat wants to dictate…I just want to people to know that Rebellion is not good if you can’t back yourself up with what you want

What the ___ ? Like seriously?!?!? Have you gone through puberty yet? :DDDD

Ok true, the justice system is bullshit too, it’s not a justice system, it’s a system for rich people to gain from the poor.
It’s all about the media, if it get famous it’s important.
(Look at the major pedophile in England (he died) as been exposed after 10-20 years of molesting children)
But they exposed him after he died because the fame worn off, but since these allegations the police have been catching other pedophiles.

It’s all about media, if you want justice, seek media publish and extort the scum that are filth.

11 years ago


If you want. (They want) to change the world.
Make change, learn good, and do good, be someone that leads and teaches younger generations…

Provoking the law is dumb and childish
:youtube video:
“Omg that cop just pushed me, he’s now spraying people with mace”

Yes, that’s his job, you are making loud noises in a street where people live, and sleep.
And that person He’s spraying mace with…just threw a rock at another guy trying to be badass…

Honestly, there are times to cry rape, and there are times when to STFU and move on.

I agree some…police MIght be aggressive for no reason,
Report them, expose them.

(Agreed with this)

Skater [ira1997]
11 years ago


Vendetta only <3.I love him!!!

Troy [TroyMac1ure]
11 years ago


Well spoken HUNON! When people disobey authority just for the reason do so is dumb. We have placed these people into their positions and yes, sometimes police may use excessive force, but if you were put into their shoes how would you react? If some guy came up to me and started yelling at me to F*** off, I’d probably pull out a billy club and start beating him too. Governments have their own issues and people complain about taxes, but I live in Canada and if I need medical care, I don’t think about where I’m going to come up with the $30,000 to help me. Do I like to pay taxes? No, but I’m not about to complain about them. Anyways, basically I feel there’s a time and place for everything.
My 2 cents.

11 years ago


Thank you HUNON and TroyMaciure. I’m glad to see that some people still have common sense.

11 years ago


fucking a right id bash his head in or stab him the only difference is the guys in uniform which i dont get wtf makes a cop in a uniform any diff than me if some strung out crack head was robbing a store and shot someone and i had a gun id kill him life is fucked up the government is the government you cannot live without them it would be total chaos i say fuck the government and more over fuck you lol just kidding but thats how i am live your live dont pay attention to the haphazard douche bags and scum and eventually your realize this is life it aint gonna change you either you deal with it or buck the system and end up dead or in jail choice is yours bravo hunon good points

11 years ago


Ponctuation is your friend… don’t listen to the voices…

Jamins [J4mins]
11 years ago


The world is unfair.

? [djsimon21]
11 years ago


J4mins life is unfair it just depends on how you deal with it :)

Anonymous [Emma281]
11 years ago


@Hunon… The government is too messed up man, especially if you watch the news. The US government spying on it’s own citizens and all(no privacy), people being convicted from just being suspicious and more outrageous laws are being implimented. The government wanting to monitor people’s blogs on the internet and vother social media. These are not even half the shit they do.
Kids can be fined for cussing or later sent to prison at 17 if they can’t pay the fine.
They have secret prisons. What for? The list goes on man.

I, in my own opnion think that the US government is being a terrorist to it’s own people.
In a few years from now the US will be impossible to live in…

11 years ago


[quote=Emma281]Kids can be fined for cussing or later sent to prison at 17 if they can’t pay the fine.
Really? :o
Do you have any sources to back this up, because I haven’t heard this before…


I’ve come across too many Anon’s who seek Anarchy - They seem to support wacky youtube conspiracy theorists and Radical groups of religious nutters. I love the idea of hacktivism but hate the idea of Anonymous, I think if you want to protest and overthrow a government you should not be shy to show your face. Too many kiddie keyboard warriors, getting carried away after watching one two many movies i’d say.

Anonymous [Emma281]
11 years ago


@daMage. Here is where you can get maybe an idea of this. I wanted a “News” video but I couldnt find it: Cussing: http://www.theage.com.au/federal-politics/society-and-culture/the-curse-of-the-foullanguage-law-20110531-1fepo.html

And here’s where you get fined for missing school:


Cussing is not illegal… and if it was… that a really fucking stupid law :D

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


@Emma281: You do see that the “cussing” link points to Australian site and you talk about US govt in your previous message. And like you said, this isn’t a “news” site and I wouldn’t take the claims at face value.

And the second link points to a forum thread from 2005 (8 years ago)… and you are saying that your govt is “ just being suspicious and more outrageous laws are being implimented”? right.

Listen… I don’t see eye to eye with the US govt, but I find it also hard to believe what you said based on the evidence presented…
Edit: Also the forum post from 2005 has a link to a news story, but it’s not available anymore.

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