Stuck in here, some help would be greatly appreciated

Zouk machin [p0t4t0f4rm]
4 years ago | edited 4 years ago


Hi everyone,

As mentioned in the title, I am stuck on this level.
I used this method so far, but without much success:

Use the Dev tools in Firefox, open the Network tab, pick a HTTP POST request, right click then Edit the request
Changed the Content-Length from 6 to 12
Changed the Body from last=0 to Score = 194175
Clicked on Send

I also saw b3.swf in the inspector (dev tools) but don’t really what to do with it.

I sense I am not too far but I may be wrong.

Thanks for your guidance!

fred [feuerstein]
4 years ago


Sounds you are on a good path, but don’t try random things. Sort the things you have

Zouk machin [p0t4t0f4rm]
4 years ago | edited 4 years ago


Hi feuerstein,

Problem solved, I feel wonderful.

Thanks ;-)

4 years ago


Hehe, that’s the spirit. Keep up the good work!

fred [feuerstein]
4 years ago


Congrats then :)

Darwin [DIDIx13]
4 years ago


Good job, keep going :)


Such an awesome community!

4 years ago


Hello. I also feel quite close and appear to be on a similar path as the OP.

I was originally in Chrome Network tool and am now in Firefox network tool as it seemed like I couldnt edit the request in Chrome. I am able to see the b3.php?submit POST network item.

I am attempting to edit and resend the POST request changing the score value to the appropriate value in the request body. I see the new network request appear in the listing but nothing seems to happen on the page.

I feel like I am missing something simple.

Any help would be appreciated.


Hello civdev,

I also tried this approach (Firefox network tools) but couldn’t manage to pass the level with this approach.

I used a web design approach instead

Good luck in your researches!

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