Hacking a pc with cmd

12 years ago


Hello Im wundering if youre able to gain acces to a pc on a local network or maybe world wide with cmd or any programs. If youre please give me a tutorial about it :)



i know a site but that is in dutch i try to explain in english
first of all you need to know the victim his password
e.g 534.81.96.31 (this is fake)
ypu open cmd and type:
on the @ you need to paste the ip of your victim
then type
also here on the @ you need to paste the ip of your victim
the finally type:
and also here drop the ip of your victim

if everything is goiing well you are now in the computer of your victim you can now make maps and other things by using cmd commands

i'am not responsable for the things you do
this method is not anonymous and you can
be detected don’t try this with webstites
because you will end up in prison then

greets unidentified hacker


you can also give a try with backtrack but i think my method is much more simply

12 years ago


if you have any knowledge or actual Java, you could make an application that sends a file through a FTP connection after you have port scanned, perhaps not FTP it got kinda nerfed in Java 7, but you could develop this idea

12 years ago


You can always use CMD to hack a PC within your WIFI.
If they’re in the same network. That is

Then you just make connection and you can get their C:DRIVE

Not considered hacking actually.
It’s remote access

12 years ago


Can someone please post, what exactly I’ll have to type in for this??
adniloxd wrote, this is correct:

net use \@IPC$  
start \@IPC$```  

But it isn't working at all  
shouldn't it be like this?:  

net start \534.81.96.31\IPC$```

I’m not sure about that.
So if it has worked for you, please post what u typed in, thx!

12 years ago


[quote=Hackers Underground Handbook by David Melnichuk]7. Open the Command Prompt by going to Start -> Run -> Type in cmd -> .

  1. Now the hacker would run the nbtstat a TargetIPaddress this will tell us if the target has file and printing enabled. Without it, this attack is not possible.

  2. In the above image DAVIDS-MACHINE is the name of the target computer. If you look to the right of it you will see the number <20>. This means that file and printer sharing is enabled. If there was no <20> then you could not go any further and would have to find a new target.

  3. Next the hacker would run the command net view \TargetIPaddress. This command will display any shared drives, folders, files or printers. If nothing comes up, you wont be able to gain access to anything since there is nothing being shared. In my case, I got the following:

  4. In my example, I have two printers shared and one disk named SharedDocs. The hacker would be able to take control of my printers and view everything in my SharedDocs disk.

  5. To gain access to my SharedDocs disk, the hacker would have to map out the drive onto his computer. If successful, the hacker will have all the contents of my drive on his computer.

  6. To map out my drive onto his computer the hacker would use the command net use G: \TargetIPaddress\DriveName. So in my case I would run the command net use G:\\SharedDocs. You can use any letter in place of G:\. This just tells the computer what to name the drive on your computer.

  7. Whats this? Looks like I already have a drive G. To avoid this problem, go to My Computer where it will show all of your current Drives. To fix this simply change the letter G to a nonexistent drive letter.

  8. Once the command is completed successfully, go to My Computer and you should see a new drive[/quote]

12 years ago


[quote=7OWN3D7]Hello, you have anwsered my question about how to gain acces to a pc with just cmd. But I also need to know how to break the connection agian;)[/quote]
Well I’m not sure about that xD
But I’ll upload the whole HackersUndergroundHandbook so you can look it up ;)

12 years ago


if u could upload some pics to show how it should look like i would appreciate it. thanks

[deleted user]
12 years ago | edited 12 years ago


Hey HUNON it’s not NETVIEW it is NET VIEW Don’t forget the space mate. :)

nbtstat a Lists the Remote Machines Name - nbtstat A Lists the Remote Machines IP Address"

12 years ago


By default we would not have permissions to list the shares. If we map the IPC$ share (Inter Process Communications) using our NULL username and password combinations we are successful:
C:\tools>net use \MY.SUB.NET.IP\IPC$ “” /u:“”
The command completed successfully.
C:\tools>net view \MY.SUB.NET.IP

Hope this will help you

12 years ago


Anonra, thanks for the heads up.

I mistyped it :/ :D

Thanks mate!

12 years ago


You type in “format C:\” then enter “y” and wait 30 minutes and your computer will be changed into a computer that can hack anything by entering the IP address for a remote connection.

12 years ago


When you type format C:\ it asks: wanna format Y/N moron :P
And also, it’s format CD c:.

[deleted user]
12 years ago | edited 12 years ago


No problem HUNON you are welcome mate :)

Don’t take the format C:\ stuff to heart only an idiot would fall for that one. If you want another one
try this: format C: /fs:NTFS /p:2 this could really mess things up by writing zeros to your C:\ Drive twice.
No don’t try it but you can use it to wipe any other drives on your machine that you want wiping.
Say you wanted to wipe drive E:\ just type in on the CMD prompt: format e: /fs:NTFS /p:2 and it will
fill the drive with zeros and format it clean.

So I thought this might cheer everyone up!


Hove a good one guys! :)

P.S. I forgot to mention. Here is a FREE disc wiping software you run from a floppy drive
and will destroy the data on a disc quite quickly but just for emergencies.
Darik’s Boot and Nuke (“DBAN”) is a self-contained boot floppy that securely wipes the hard
disks of most computers. DBAN is appropriate for bulk or emergency data destruction.
direct link - mirror

Honey Boo Boo [Ski900]
12 years ago


CMD prompt: format e: /fs:NTFS /p:1,2,3,4,5,6 - My next step

I went a little overboard on the partitions this weekend lol.

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


Actually it’s

And fyi the person needs to have File and Printer Sharing turned ON , also Network Discovery, in both Home/Work and Public network profiles, nothing that a simple Reg Script couldn’t handle, but this method could be easily spotted :D

11 years ago


Metasploit is good :p

11 years ago


You must find someone with no firewall to exploit NetBios… I can’t think of an admin letting this protocol going wild over the Net…

Reply has been removed
10 years ago


pleaze can u show me how i hack with cmd to other computer ? what can i write ?

[deleted user]
10 years ago


@axil : Hey check this out. Also you can get similar videos on Youtube. All you need to do is search.

10 years ago


i have tried it and it keeps saying access denied can you only do it from the administrator account

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
10 years ago


Hack with cmd = Impossible

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