what people here has interesting movies about hack
hi, please, who can give me some links that explain youtubes films on the history of hackers famous or not, hacking, and technology in both French and English???
I just want to spend time watching a lot of videos about hacking and its wonders!
what u need is what u get when u’re hacker !!! xx
If you make people think they’re thinking, they’ll love you. but if you really make them think, they’ll hate you.
~ Harlan Ellison
and here on more about anonymous. Haven’t seen it but hey you were just asking about movies so here you go.
I don’t have any direct links to post but I’m sure someone resourceful could find it?
what u need is what u get when u’re hacker !!! xx
To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is research.
oh ok thx u @Kira.Jenna !! i just want to pass time with hacking movies !! hahaha thx u
what u need is what u get when u’re hacker !!! xx
what u need is what u get when u’re hacker !!! xx
thekinghack, you aren’t that smart, are you? the film that’s only 2 min long, is obviously not the complete film. think before you post.
did you maybe fell on your head when you were little? and if you’re about to ask how i knew, that this happend to you, then press ctrl+w please
There ????? ? ???? is ??? ? NO ????? ? ???? Censorship ? ???? ????? ? ???? Everything ??? ????? is ????? ?? in ? ???? best ??? ?????? Condition ???? ??? ?????? Trust ??? the ?????? media ??? and ????? ????? Your ? ???? ???? Government! ???? ? ????
hey @a.sh , what’s the fuck !!!! be far to me !! and make attention a lot !! iam Theking
what u need is what u get when u’re hacker !!! xx
be fair* (just a friendly hint)
“iam Theking”, yeah … are you high or something similar?
“and make attention a lot !!” what is that even supposed to mean?
shall i make you attention?
how is this supposed to work?
and in addition, nobody here cares if you’re “Theking”. really …
There ????? ? ???? is ??? ? NO ????? ? ???? Censorship ? ???? ????? ? ???? Everything ??? ????? is ????? ?? in ? ???? best ??? ?????? Condition ???? ??? ?????? Trust ??? the ?????? media ??? and ????? ????? Your ? ???? ???? Government! ???? ? ????
shut up !!! if u can’t help me to advance , let me !! faire attention a tes propos !!! je te l'ai dit
what u need is what u get when u’re hacker !!! xx
first, you can’t prohibit me to tell my opinon. second, “This is an English-only forum, all posts containing other languages will be removed” you should stick to the rules and last but not least, i don’t understand your french …
There ????? ? ???? is ??? ? NO ????? ? ???? Censorship ? ???? ????? ? ???? Everything ??? ????? is ????? ?? in ? ???? best ??? ?????? Condition ???? ??? ?????? Trust ??? the ?????? media ??? and ????? ????? Your ? ???? ???? Government! ???? ? ????
There ????? ? ???? is ??? ? NO ????? ? ???? Censorship ? ???? ????? ? ???? Everything ??? ????? is ????? ?? in ? ???? best ??? ?????? Condition ???? ??? ?????? Trust ??? the ?????? media ??? and ????? ????? Your ? ???? ???? Government! ???? ? ????
ok ! have u skype ?? we may chat well there !!! u will get the answer u wait ! my skype is mosesblack12 !! add me ! i think we are many things to talk about bcz u look like a bad boy !!!
what u need is what u get when u’re hacker !!! xx
There ????? ? ???? is ??? ? NO ????? ? ???? Censorship ? ???? ????? ? ???? Everything ??? ????? is ????? ?? in ? ???? best ??? ?????? Condition ???? ??? ?????? Trust ??? the ?????? media ??? and ????? ????? Your ? ???? ???? Government! ???? ? ????
what u need is what u get when u’re hacker !!! xx

what u need is what u get when u’re hacker !!! xx