5 years ago | edited 5 years ago



As already talked in this thread (and in this thread too), that could be fun if we could have a Cracking or Reverse Engineering section in HT. I hope @flabbyrabbit will agree to add some of these levels, so I propose here a second level to solve (I made it myself), for anyone who’d like to try it. Enjoy! (feedback is welcome)

[i]In this level you'll have to change the value of the variable "htvar" to 1337. Type "check" to check the value of htvar, and type "exit" to quit. Good luck![/i]

You can download the program to crack here.

Hint (for lamerz):

You’ll need some tools, like a Hex editor, a disassembler and/or a debugger!

Feel free to PM me to submit your solutions, although you’ll know when you got it. I hope this level is not too much difficult, I agree it could have been easier for a “level 2”.

Click here to go to CRACKING LEVEL 1

WHO SOLVED IT? (in order of appearance)
Oct. 13, 2019 : @feuerstein (congratulations! [applause] )
Oct. 13, 2019 : @VileAnnie

Darwin [DIDIx13]
5 years ago


Thanks a lot for your investment!

Will get my hands on it as soon as I can. Good luck everyone.

Who’s gonna take the first blood B)

fred [feuerstein]
5 years ago


Thanks for your effords, mate. When I have some time I’ll do some for this area too.

5 years ago


it seems that @feuerstein already solved it. In less than 15 mn. Someone else to do better?

HAL [VileAnnie]
5 years ago


I solved it too, thanks for your contribution ;)

Darwin [DIDIx13]
5 years ago


Looks like I need to get my hands on it quicker, also is it harder than Cracking Level 1 ?

HAL [VileAnnie]
5 years ago


I have just started looking into cracking level 1 and I cannot find any clue for now, thus level 2 seems easier to me

fred [feuerstein]
5 years ago


I think it is. What disasm are you using?

HAL [VileAnnie]
5 years ago


I’m using objdump but this is a random choice and maybe I should be using a real debugger
Actually I solved level 2 with hexedit

fred [feuerstein]
5 years ago


Yes you should go for a debugger

Darwin [DIDIx13]
5 years ago


I always used IDA, maybe it’s a great opportunity to start using ghidra?

fred [feuerstein]
5 years ago


Am using IDA too

HAL [VileAnnie]
5 years ago


Oh my. I just opened IDA. See you later guys, some little things to do :)

Darwin [DIDIx13]
5 years ago


Enjoy the fun of reverse engineering :)

&list=PLhixgUqwRTjxglIswKp9mpkfPNfHkzyeN">LiveOverflow Binary Hacking

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