being curious

Captcha 1

10 years ago


Hey, I enjoy coding - was wondering if there was an app that reads image and translate into text .. if so, I consider that a bit cheating.. I want to know if there IS a way to write code that will analyze the image and translate into ascii text using customized algorithm that can translate the image into readable text ?

any hints or pointers will be nice, I’d like to understand more and write something to make it work.

10 years ago


Of course there is. There are many tools that do this sort of thing and as such are proof that one can write such code. :)

In the most basic form, it should be something you can figure out yourself. (And figuring it out is part of the fun, I’d say.) Just try to think of ways how you can find out where the text is, how you might recognise things etc. See what works and what doesn’t.

10 years ago


Having worked in an OCR (license plate recognition) job for the last 13 years, I would add that it all comes down to pixels. Your program should not care if you are marking a set of pixels as an “E”, a smiley face, or a monkey’s butt. As long as your program accurately portrays the template then you should be good to go.

10 years ago


I ve done some searching and I stumpled across TesseractOCR for PHP, I think that one will work for me - any one ever used that before?

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10 years ago


Tesseract OCR was developed by HP and then transferred to google for further development I believe. It is probably the best free piece of OCR software you can get.

10 years ago


I solved it “by hand” (coded my own custom OCR) - Tesseract OCR didn’t help me at all.

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Renegate [fabioboh10]
10 years ago


Hey darkl33ch, which programming language did you use?

10 years ago


Python - the best language in the world (except C and ASM, of course!)

10 years ago


I wouldnt say “best” but yeah ok..

Renegate [fabioboh10]
10 years ago


Yes, because the best is Java, haha! Kidding

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