Adress IP... How to get the maximum of it ?

12 years ago


Hello everyone !

I was wondering how can I have the maximum of informations from an IP adress. In fact, it’s easy for us today to get IP of guys on internet, there are a lot of tools for this like resolvers, or the CMD !

My question is : Do you know how to really take the maximum of informations from it ? Like, for example, the adress of the owner of the IP… Because often it’s not the right adress who is given by sites like whois. :)

Thanks a lot :D

JJ [1331]
12 years ago | edited 12 years ago


Simply send them an e-mail then open the response email from them. This gives you the ip address it was sent from.
And so on! :) You can also use ping in the cmd line: eg; ping will give you the ip address
Put the into your url window in your browser and it will take you to this site or just click on the . and that too would bring you here. Lots of ways do get the information you are on about. Even if they are using a proxy. Harder but can be done! use this website to find out more:

12 years ago


I know all of that. I probably didn’t make my question correctly.

I want to know all the ways to get informations from the IP adresses, like the owner of the IP (personnal, not a website), his operator, his navigator, and moar stuff as possible ! :D

TY <3

JJ [1331]
12 years ago


use this website to find out more:

12 years ago


I already know this website but he doesn’t always give the right adress of an IP… :(

J [ColdIV]
12 years ago


I agree, doesn’t seem to work that good, I prefer other sites to get the location..
this site for example does a pretty good job I think (tested it with a few IPs - showed the right location)

[deleted user]
12 years ago | edited 12 years ago


That’s true but if you try to find where is it says in utrace IP-Adresse: Provider: Aurimas Rapalis trading as II Hosting Media Organisation: Main Hosting Servers Region:Media (US) Well That is just the provider and that is in the USA but is in Govan Scotland. So you need to take all ip addresses with a pinch of salt so-to-speak. If you want someones IP address send them an e-mail and when they reply you can get their ip address from there. I know you are on about the details of the account holder but that too can be with held if it is just a non profit user. They can ask for their details not to be published.

P.S. The utrace website is German and that’s why IP-Address is spelt - IP-Adresse: Not my bad spelling!
Also Pomme I guess is French as Pomme is French for Apple :)

J [ColdIV]
12 years ago


Looks like most of the users here are french lol
And yea it’s a German site, guess that’s why I found it first when I searched for a site finding a IPs location..
And I guess there are many ways to find the location but he asked for what else you can find out with the IP.
Interested too, so keep on posting guys! d:

12 years ago


Thank you for all your responses :)

Is there a better way to get the IP of a person, without a Skype Resolver or an Email ? Like, for example, analyze the connections entry in my PC when I’m on Teamspeak or Skype with them…

PS : In fact I’m french native, but don’t think my name is Pomme because I love Apple, I literally hate it, I have a samsung :P

???Roun512 [roun512]
12 years ago


well their is a way as i think when u r in chat with some one go to CMD and write NETSTAT and it will Give you all the Active Connections :D

<? ' / ?> [draethel]
12 years ago


An IP address does not necessarily correspond with the person using it. Its just not that simple, Imagine working out who called you from a particular phone number (think of caller id for example). Even if you know the number, lets say it was “Parents Place” was it mum or dad who called? It get complicated so if your trying to find someone via the IP you may find someone but it may not be who your looking for.

12 years ago


Just use google,

Put the IP address in the search bar and look at the few first results

???Roun512 [roun512]
12 years ago


hehe yes best answer ! ( Google )

Gordon [gwhat]
12 years ago


How can I serch the web using a different or many other different IP addresses so as not to give away my IP adress to someone?

12 years ago | edited 12 years ago


There are many ways to hide your IP, a few are:
Tor browser

Gordon [gwhat]
12 years ago


Thank You CygnusH33L for those answers. I don’t know anything about Tunneling or VPN’s. If it’s not to much trouble could you
explain them to me. I would appreciate it. Thanks again.

11 years ago


A teacher, or the prison, more and more ares are considering the legal use of cell phone jammers, it has been a necessity of our daily life, I have got one from for my family. so if you want to get one, you can go and visit it for more details. share with you!

9 years ago


I failed to understand somethink .I have a friend who just sent me an email, I was able to get its IP address but when I try to know “who is ” he is in Redmond in the US and yet it is my neighbor, I do not understand


Get on CMD and tape trace and set the adress IP or tape netstat -n or netstat-nb and after you put the ip and your tape netstat nao


After You tape netstat Nao you spy the adress IP or you have another solution get on Outlook and click on right your mouse and press CRTL and F and tape IP and You have the adress IP. But the adress IP of Facebook is 33…………….. of 10……………. Because they have a solid server and CIA was behind Facebook so crack Facebook was impossible

9 years ago


Ok thank you very much

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