Am I Missing Something?

Custom encoding

4 years ago


To avoid spoilers, i’m going to be as vague as possible;

I have performed the following via some Javascript code in the browser console
a: Get its new ascii code value
b: Take this value, and subtract it from the total number of visible ASCII characters
c: Get the character at this position
d: Get this characters original ascii value

I now receive a fully capitalized set of words, however my submissions are incorrect when hitting submit. Am I missing something? Hints much appreciated.

Thread has been resolved, jump to solution
4 years ago


Ok just wanted to add my feedback for this puzzle, as I just passed but it was confusing and the other threads too.


The note is about the encryption algorithm. You receive the encrypted value and need to find a way to decrypt it.


The result should be english words with spaces, in lowercase, not a CSV format

Good luck!

4 years ago


Hey tppt, thanks for the response, i figured this out awhile back but forgot to update this thread. Your hint would have solved my issue for sure though, as my solution resulted in an all caps answer initially.

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