4 years ago


I think the problem is that im not sure what is going on. If I knew how the system was working I could investigate further. Any help on explaining the process?

The software downloaded seems to run, then shut off so im assuming it is validating or generating something,
Also, what tool would you reccomend to debug it? I have been using a good ol' game cheet engine.

4 years ago


i’m also trying to figure out the serial number. I’m asuming that the downloaded application is the “special validation code generation tool”. Or am i wrong? I never ran the program because i have no Windwos machine. So i assumed the program takes as input the serial number and generates the validation code as output. I tried to find a decent decompiler to explore the program and i found this

my C/Assembly skills are limited and GHIDRA is also a little challenge by itself for me :D
but maybe you can make more use out of it ;)

4 years ago


Downloaded GHIDRA and played with it a bit. Putting this one on the back burner for a bit, lol.

4 years ago


IDA decompiler ;)

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