Election Day: any hint??

Election day

Salvatore [SalMau]
4 years ago | edited 4 years ago


I’m stuck in this level for weeks. I’m tryin to change the method for posting the vote, but nothing. I’m searching for different files but nothing. Any hint? Burpsuite could help? I only noticed that her ID is different from the others, but don’t know what to do. Merci!

3 years ago


It’s very hard to give a hint for this one, but there are three steps (I know it’s kinda obvious and irritating answer, but…):
1. What do you need to do?
2. Why you cannot do it?
3. How to do it?
May be somebody can give a better hint.

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3 years ago | edited 3 years ago


well i i tried >> different encodings but nothing works. i wonder if i am in the right path :/

3 years ago


Please, any more help with this challenge? I am stuck ( I am new to this whole thing) and I am starting to dispair :‘)

f0rk [HackingGuy]
3 years ago


Once you identify the challenge, it becomes fairly straightforward.
I’d suggest extensively probing the application to understand what you can and can’t do.
Figure out ways to do what you want to do by bypassing measures that are attempting to stop you.

3 years ago


Thanks so much for your response! I have tried a lot…I compared all candidates and what happens when I try to vote, but appart from the 400 or 200 status message, the requests don’t seem to differ..cookies are exactly the same….:( Do I need burp for this or can I solve it with web dev tools? Thanks again!!

f0rk [HackingGuy]
3 years ago


You’re looking too far into it. There is something that stands out when trying to vote as the level description says.

3 years ago


Thanks again for your help! The only thing that stands out to me is the d in her vote_id. But I will keep on trying :)

f0rk [HackingGuy]
3 years ago


Good luck! :)

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f0rk [HackingGuy]
2 years ago


You’re on the right track ;) keep trying what you’re doing!

2 years ago


I have been stuck on this challenge for a while now.

Something that I did notice was the number of characters in the candidate’s last name matches the number of digits in their vote_id.

Like others have posted in this thread, the WAF is clearly blocking certain characters, like the ’d' character in ?vote_id=62d784 but I have had my hair start to fallout trying to bypass this annoying WAF.

Any tips feel free to PM me!

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2 years ago


Still stuck as well! been on the right track for a year now…but can’t figure it out! Any help?

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2 years ago


jules70 knows says that https://defendtheweb.net/extras/playground/election/?vote_id=62d784 return an error : Request denied by SuperSecureWAF 1.2b
in addition firefox say that in his dev tools (ctrl+shift+I) (keyboard shortcut) in this adress network tab shows : 400 Bad Request so http error 400

I know that with burpsuite, we can change error 400 to the state 200 (=all is OK, ok), so as there is no error the communication is made and we have the password.

But I have no many experiences with BS, I have see with youtube tutorial about that, I hope that in the future I will resolve this chall

I say all of that for help the people interesting in hacking

see you


I intercepted Burpsuite responses and changed the code from 400 to 200 but it did not work.

Good idea though.

a year ago


sitemap.xml gives a strange error message.

When I am on my laptop I will view the source of that page.


a year ago


Hello !

You can also write “test.html” and it shows the same error message, it’s just the website error message when you try to go to a file that doesn’t exist, for example : https://defendtheweb.net/test42.html

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🐉 [Cheerfulbull]
a year ago


Thank you for your help, with that I was able to solve the challenge in a matter of minutes!

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a year ago


Still stuck for several week. Any hint? I just try many encode to convert “d” but it seems wrong.

🐉 [Cheerfulbull]
a year ago | edited a year ago


Insted of encoding the d, try doing something so that the d is never found…(Tell me if this is a spoiler)

a year ago


OK I got the point. It is blind spot. Thanks a lot.

5 months ago


I have just come back to defend the web after 3 years of being out.

Can anyone give me a clue concerning this challenge.

I know it is the d which is the problem but I have tried everything apart from what would solve the voting error.

I have tried: Spoilers potentially.


I have deleted the d and tried to run it but nothing seems to work - I feel like I am on the right track but can’t seem to figure it out.

Any help would be greatly appreciated - PM if that is easier.


🐉 [Cheerfulbull]
5 months ago


Feel free to PM me

5 months ago | reply to #92043


You are on the right way, please double check your url.
There is still a character which you need to replace in your request url.
By the way, just using url encodeing is enough to complete the challenge.

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