2020's Best Android Hacking Apps

I got bunch of hacking tools and android hacking apps that can change your perception of android smartphone security and computer privacy as well.
- Kali Linux for Smartphones
Kali Linux on any Android Phone or Tablet. Getting Kali Linux to run on ARM hardware has been a major goal for us since day one. In fact, the developers of Linux Deploy have made it extremely easy to get any number of Linux distributions installed in a chroot environment using a simple GUI builder.
Download Kali Linux Android and check out features in detail.
- Faceniff forAndroid
FaceNiff is a well-known application in certain circles on the Android OS that allows you to scan and intercept Internet sessions. The functionality of the utilities will provide an opportunity to hack into the accounts even if an encrypted network (WPA2). FaceNiff is used to intercept web sessions. The application works as follows. You connect to a public Wi-fi network. The utility scans the shared access point and determines the sessions available for interception. The user selects the “victim” and, after seconds of waiting, can already send messages on behalf of the “victim” from her account in the social network or forum, make orders on the site, as well as carry out other illegal actions.
Download FaceNiff app and check out all the features.
- Androrat
AndroRAT is a tool for Windows that allows us to control remotely any Android device from a PC. With this app, users can connect to a smartphone or tablet and receive information from it. However, it’s a program that is based on an old vulnerability of the operating system that has been corrected in modern versions of Android.
This program offers us a user interface developed in Java and allows us to easily connect to any device by entering data such as its IP address or port number to complete the connection. The latter is enabled by sending an SMS or making a call.
Download Androrat and learn more about it. You can also follow a step by step tutorial on how to hack a smartphone remotely using androrat.
- Droidsheep forAndroid
DroidSheep is an open-source Android application made by Corsin Camichel that allows you to intercept unprotected web-browser sessions using WiFi. DroidSheep APK is a software developed only for testing security vulnerabilities and it is not made for harming any person. It works on Android platform and in order to use DroidSheep you need to have your device rooted. DroidSheep is bundled as an APK file, but if you want the source code, you can get it from original author’s Github repo. This is not managed by Corsin Camichel and the content of this website should be used only as instructions.
Download Droidsheep APK
- zAnti forAndroid
zANTI is a mobile penetration testing toolkit that lets security managers assess the risk level of a network with the push of a button. This easy to use mobile toolkit enables IT Security Administrators to simulate an advanced attacker to identify the malicious techniques they use in the wild to compromise the corporate network
Download zAnti APK
- DroidJack RAT
DroidJack is an android RAT which gives you the power to establish control over your victim’s Android devices with an easy to use GUI and all the features you need to monitor them
Download DroidJack and learn more about it. You can also follow a step by step tutorial on how to hack smartphone remotely using droidjack.
- dSploit forAndroid
If you’re the admin of a WiFi network, you’ll be interested in controlling all its different aspects. dSploit is an application that allows you to do so, although it’s true that some of its functions go way beyond simple control features and we could even discuss whether they’re legal or not.
It’s an application that allows us to audit a wireless network carrying out a complete mapping process to search for vulnerabilities capable of detecting all the devices connected to it, being able to intercept their traffic in real time. Therefore, its use is only recommended for those cases in which the user is the owner and admin of the WiFi network in question, and that the app is only going to be used for security and maintenance reasons, not attempting to violate the users' privacy.
Download dSploit APK
- SpymaxRAT
Spy MAX is a remote administration tools allows a user to control the system with a Graphical User Interface (GUI). It is capable of taking complete control of victim’s mobile. It has many features which allows a user to access android as an administrator. SpyMax is the upgraded version of Spynote that has the most powerful remote features. Spymax is more powerful then spynote.You can bypass Google play protected easily with SpyMax and can hack android pie (9.0).
Download SpyMax v2 and learn more about it.
- SpynoteRAT
Remote Access Trojans (RATs) for Android devices may pack a lot of features that enable their authors with the ability to carry out a broad range of unsafe operations on the infected device. One of the more popular Android RAT projects is SpyNote, and its full source code can be found on many hacking forums. One of the scary things about the SpyNote RAT is that it is absolutely free to use so that anyone can start distributing their unique version of it. Furthermore, criminals who are experienced with programming can write additional modules to extend the SpyNote RAT’s features.
Download Spynote v6.4. You can also follow a step by step tutorial on how to hack any android phone remotely with spynote.
- DendroidRAT
Dendroid is malware that affects Android OS and targets the mobile platform. It was first discovered in early of 2014 by Symantec and appeared in the underground for sale for $300. Certain features were noted as being used in Dendroid, such as the ability to hide from emulators at the time.
Download Dendroid and learn more about it.
There’s few others that you can have a look at, check 25 top android hacking apps of 2020.