Cracking 4 / cracking- Bugged or Hint needed

Cracking 4


Hello guys,
I completed the Cracking 1 last night and i decided to move to Cracking 4 but then when i tried to reverse it. it wasn’t opening at all so I don’t know if it’s bugged or if I should use another type of software.
For the cracking 1, I used Immunity Debugger but then its not supporting the Cracking 4 file.
Anyone to guide me ?

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3 years ago | edited 3 years ago


Cracking 1 is a 32 bits programme, on the contrary craking 4 is a 64 bits programme. Maybe you Debugger cant debugg 64 bits programme. But normally, you can both do debugging. Use x64dbg. With x64dbg, you have two options, the 32 bits option and the 64 bits option. You just have to choose the 64 bits option for debugg cracking 4. Good luck !

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