Little guidance needed for Unknown sender

Unknown sender


Hi everyone,
I did a bit of research on GPG and the message received on the challenged seems a lot like a public key. and if that’s the case, a public key alone can’t be used to restore a message since only the sender holds the secret key.
I’m kinda confused at the moment so any help/guidance for a better understanding would be really welcome
Thanks in advance

3 years ago | edited 3 years ago


First its not a pubic key because the header say “—–BEGIN PGP MESSAGE—–” if it was a public key the header will be like that “—–BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK—–”.
You can find many informations about the sender without the private key.
Maybe these articles will help you Asymetric Cryptography, KeyServer.
Continue your research on the pgp, you will find the answer ;)

Cytro [DibCytro]
3 years ago


Any Hints You can give us i really dont know what am working with here

3 years ago


You have to learn about asymmetric cryptography and pgp that all.

Cytro [DibCytro]
3 years ago


Read alot and still got nothing

3 years ago


You don’t really need to learn things about cryptography for this one, personnaly I didn’t, I just used a software for gpg, all you have to do is finding informations about the message, not decrypt it. But I guess there are other ways to get the sender’s name.

Cytro [DibCytro]
3 years ago


Thanks fir the info i’ll give it another go

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