Cracking 1 Assistance

Cracking 1

4 years ago | edited 4 years ago


I need some help in making sure I am heading in the right direction with Cracking 1. So far I have been able to find: a name and a plant part. However, no combination of the two work as the username and password. Do I need to continue decompiling the program? Is there a better decompiler to use than Ollydbg (Windows or Linux)?

4 years ago


I use x64dbg but Ollydbg is great. There is multiple solutions for this one. You can search the password of the level that is store in the programm or the login details of the programm to see the password. I just modified the programm with x64dbg so that it gives me the password even if i have wrong login details.

4 years ago


I attempted to bypass the login portion and skip directly to the success line; however, the password it gives me is gibberish and doesn’t work.

I think I need to research how to read assembly language some more so I have a better understanding of what I am looking at. I was hoping a basic understanding would be good enough to get me through the first level, but apparently not. Either that or I don’t even have a basic understanding hahaha.

3 years ago | edited 3 years ago


Hello to everyone who needs assistance even after 7 month,
For me, Ghidra works perfect. The Decompiler is very helpful and youre able to see all defined Strings, as well as an overview over all functions. I found a Video where a guy installed Ghidra and showed a bit how it works: &t=1273s. I hope I could help you.

Look for the function: [admin remove] (too much for a simple spoiler)

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