Looking to expand on some things to try. Anyone have any recommendations and can drop some knowledge?
Pretty hard to think of anything since I know nothing about your current knowledge/expertise…
yeah, I have the same problem, we can learn programming but not hacking… I mean some thing step by step
http://www.hackthis.co.uk/forum/hacking-security/web-hacking-war-games/207-show-me-what-you-got-everyone-welcome have at it plz lol
Check out OWASP. This page has a list of all kinds of attacks, how they are used, and how to defend against them.
I am finding it hard to get the hang of this stuff. I am only a school child but i flew past the real level 1 Anyone have any techniques??? sorry if that was spelt wrong…
sharing knowledge to everyone is good , but need to know their level of knowledge first :)
Good idea but you need to make it easy in the language to understand for all type of ppl
why ? english is the universal language right ?
hacking is not easy but it’s important
big ol barrier of communication is no common core of experience You could try a little bit of hardware hacking, basic electronics type stuff.
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