Meteor 'shower' In Russia Knocks Out Communication
interesting stuff the meteor knocks out cellphones, my question is how big would the meteor need to be to cause a globe communications melt down? these were the size of baseballs. i first saw the news about this a week ago they did not mention a meteor shower they only mentioned Asteroid 2012 DA14 passing earth. so they must not have seen the smaller ones heading for us…
wheres Bruce Willis when you need him .lol.
The More Quieter You Become,The More You Are Able To Hear.
i hope not because DA14 is the size of a football pitch… DA14 obits the sun at the same rate as us, so if its path is effected by todays passing of earth, this could mean DA14 will hit us in a years time..
well if it does come to hit us I hope they shut off the power towers and stuff so it wont shock them… -__-
The More Quieter You Become,The More You Are Able To Hear.
if it takes out my internet connection i will personally kick its ass out of the sky .lol. go all Bruce Willis on it ass .lol.
yeah NASA is sure it wont hit us this time round, but as far as i can understand the Asteroid may change its orbit due to earths gravitational pull… so it could hit us next year… it’s not big enough to destroy the earth but it may be large enough to take out communications…
Taking a similar meteorite that hit earth 50,000 years ago as reference it would make a crater 1.2 kilometres wide and 170 metres deep. As for your prediction of the change in orbit caused by Earth’s gravity causing DA14 to hit us in a years time:
[quote=Donald Yeomans]The close approach will perturb its orbit so that actually instead of having an orbital period of one year, it’ll lose a couple of months. The Earth is going to put this one in an orbit that is considerably safer[/quote]