Hack My Site
I have been working on a website for someones small personal business and I think I have completed most of the security stuff and some of the site itself. I will be improving the site a lot over time because right now it is kind of boring but I invite you all to hack my site and please message me with the security holes that you find. :) Please only hack the /bob, nothing on the main domain itself, that is my personal website and I’m only hosting the business website on it for now but I will give it a real domain soon. So now, what you have all probably been waiting for… THE LINK!!!
~ White Shadow ~
11 years ago
@WhiteShadow410 dude ur site is not attractive at all… not cool but still its something.
~ White Shadow ~
You should of made a session or cookie that makes sure that the user does not get into the file, cause I got in.
You might want a Captcha or something like that to avoid spam on your contact form..
And without knowing where the admin section is and without knowing the password it will take some time to log in using some kind of attack. But you could also add something that deactivates the log in function for a few minutes (just for the IP of the one who tried) when he tried it like 3 times and failed..
Could I do that just using PHP? And how could I make a cookie or something that only allows people who logged in correctly to /admin to see /logs?
~ White Shadow ~
You can just use Google to find some Captcha-Tutorials you will find a lot of stuff I think.
And if you want to do it with session it’s kind of easy, you can check whether they are set or not and if not you just redirect them to the previous page. All with PHP..
Awesome, thanks! This helps a lot. I’m sorry for the n00bish questions, but you know, I’m trying my best to learn good. I’ll apply all the things people suggested and put it on it’s very own webhost and then post it one last time for you guys can hack. I really appreciate the help.
~ White Shadow ~
Ok, the security is done. It is not the prettiest thing ever yet but it will be once I start talking to the owner about what he wants on it. Meanwhile, do whatever you want on /bob. You guys have until Sunday at 6pm, after that I start banning IPs. Have fun! :)
~ White Shadow ~
last time you posted about your website i got past your admin login. But i can not remember how have you changed the source codes since your last post.